What's the point of this forum

Home Forums General Questions What's the point of this forum

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    What’s the point

    What’s the point of this forum? is it something else that’s going to be charged to use. Makes the site a little confusing ie. two things doing pretty much the same sort of stuff. Site never been the same since it became a closed shop – anyway, just an opinion

    Art Munson

    “What’s the point of this forum?”
    Under the heading that you can’t please everyone!

    A forum is something that has been requested a number of times over the years. It should be easier to keep track of topics and conversations as the “comment” style of responding to a particular question can quickly get chaotic. The forums will remain free.


    “Under the heading that you can’t please everyone!”
    Also refer to the headings “If it bothers you, stop using it” & “What the what?”.

    BTW Art, I love this idea, and its execution. 🙂


    Love the forum – thanks for making improvements to this great site. It’s becoming a daily thing for me, to check what you all are talking about and what I should be looking into!


    Art Munson

    Thanks Cari!

    What’s the point

    Ok I eat some of my original words – I quite like the new forum section now that it’s in use – still a little frustrated by lack of access to the comments/libraries section of the site.

    Yes I know there are ways to pay or earn access, just don’t have the funds or time at the moment to do so. Would however be superb if you could allow access to everyone for at least one day a week, even if it’s just to view the library info and not comment.

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