Where is evrybody???

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    Hey there. I just recently joined Music Library Report and must admit that I thought I was not only joining a resource but also a community as well. It seems like it’s more of just a resource though judging by what seems like very low activity in the forums, with many of the most recent posts being a few weeks, and sometimes months old or even older. It is what it is and I’m sure there is tons of great information here to sift through, although I worry some of it might be outdated. It kind of feels like I am walking onto the battlefield afterwards looking for survivors. πŸ™‚ Anyway, I hope this isn’t “normal” and people poke their heads up more. Was there a “Good ‘Ol Days” here once? Just curious. Thanks!



    this post gave me a giggle i’ll be honest πŸ™‚

    Art Munson

    @BeatSqueezer. You will find that when new people come to MLR they ask the same questions that have been answered many times before. Granted some info posted back in 2009 may not reflect market conditions today. As an example the subscription model was not around back 2009. All in all much of it is applicable today. If you have a question ask away. It will generally get answered or you will get pointed to an answer. The search box works very well for research.


    Welcome aboard Squeezer! Yes, ask away! Someone will answer.

    Best, John πŸ™‚


    Busy working – I have twins due this week (!) so trying to get a ton of music finished so I can take some time off.

    Welcome @BeatSqueezer – I’m sure you’ll find MLR invaluable.


    Some of us spend more time in places like VI control and FB groups (I’m one of the moderators for a trailer group there)… but I check in here at least once every few days. Still tons of relevant info and it gets updated when things like library policies and deals change.


    Hey everyone! Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it! I certainly have a lot of digging around to do and will ask questions if I can’t find the answer. Nice to know there are some nice people around to help out and I hope to be able to do the same for a newbie down the road if I can. @MaxPower congratulations!!! I hope you have a really good set of headphones. πŸ™‚



    Mark, do you post as yourself in Vi-Control? I legitimately wanna be your friend. Fan here.

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