WOW! “BMI in an agreement to be acquired by New Mountain Capital.”

Home Forums Announcements WOW! “BMI in an agreement to be acquired by New Mountain Capital.”

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  • #43908

    Just got the email announcement. Haven’t read into it yet.


    I quickly skimmed it. Will analyze it more later. My first impression : it was exactly like I was listening to a career politician trying to convince me how great the upside is, all the while double dipping behind the scenes to enrich themselves. Of course, living in the US, I’m not biased or anything….. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Art Munson

    “all the while double dipping behind the scenes to enrich themselves.”

    So true!


    These are venture capitalists.They might squeeze the juice out of BMI then throw away the peel. Reminds me of when JNJ bought out the company I worked for. Things started with the same speech we’re hearing now then slowly but surely, little by little things we considered perks started disappearing.

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