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August 20, 2017 at 3:03 pm in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27972BEATSLINGERParticipant
The difference between quality and not so much in production music often stems from how lazy or skilled the composer is in their approach to production. Do they put the effort into using the mod-wheel or editing controller data to make their samples sound convincing or do they play samples like a keyboard?
we might be from the same school.
August 20, 2017 at 2:54 pm in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27970BEATSLINGERParticipantI have spoken to a few Music Supervisors and these particular guys say that simplicity is the key in most que music. They donโt care if you play guitar like SVR or orchestrate like Mozart.
It once again goes back to Michael L, and a point I made as well. Unfortunately, “A LOT of this industry doesn’t realize it is making bad Cues, and lousy ”
It’s like having on multiple colors that don’t match, or make any sense in combination. Bass lines COMPLETELY out of the key of the song. Piano parts that don’t match that; and let us not forget about Chords that don’t fit ANYTHING in the song being thrown in for added measure..
August 20, 2017 at 2:39 pm in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27968BEATSLINGERParticipantI am hoping this might shed some light on quality vs quantity. I have literally heard cues with one part that were absolutely brilliant. As well, I have heard cues with TONS of parts that ended up being absolute Garbage.
The truth is “Once you have invested a good amount of time learning the ins and outs of your craft; and have learned how to achieve the sound/composition you were looking to create. No matter what you play/compose it will be to a certain standard of quality”. How complex a Cue is does not make it better. It’s knowing how to put together solid, well crafted, and sonically accurate pieces; that get the point across.
August 20, 2017 at 1:35 pm in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27964BEATSLINGERParticipantThe more competiton there is, the better your game has to be.
People REALLY need to make this their Mantra!!!
August 20, 2017 at 10:57 am in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27960BEATSLINGERParticipantOverall, like what Michael said, it seems the key to survival now is quality over quantity, and working with libraries that get your music used in more lucrative ways.
BINGO!!! Yes, there are a lot more people coming to this side of the business (as pretty much all of us did as well) The key thing is; there might be more people, but the level of Quality people is still on the low side. High end corporate/branding, TV, Film, and mixed media are NOT looking for material that they (as amateurs) could make themselves. “You have to come with the quality cues that stand out; and separate you from the pack!!”
August 19, 2017 at 4:29 pm in reply to: What's your number? What are your earnings expectations? #27952BEATSLINGERParticipantHello to all! I would say this. Never give up something that makes you happy! As well, it really doesn’t pay off until you don’t look for just the payout! If it is a extra income, great. if it is a hobby, great. But, if you need it to be more than that “figure out what steps you are missing, and make the necessary adjustments!” I now get about 400-600 cues a year; simply by understanding what I was not doing. One big key to this whole thing is.. “Just like any other business; it takes money to make money!!”
August 9, 2017 at 3:21 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27921BEATSLINGERParticipantNow, I preface this by saying “When I was getting very low amounts of placements my first couple of years. It was because I was composing what I thought everyone wanted to hear, and what I felt would sell the fastest”. That way did NOT work. I got frustrated, and literally quit.
A Music Consultant heard my stuff that “I personally LOVED, was sitting on, and just knew it wouldn’t go over because no-one would get it”
Those tracks ended up becoming the music that took me from a regular job; to becoming a full time composer.When you write for everyone else; you forgot the most important person YOU need to write for!!
August 9, 2017 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27918BEATSLINGERParticipantThank you Michael for the information, and I will check into it before sending.
“I know everyone here kinda plays their cards very close to their chest”
To answer this. I do not. I love fair competition! But I have a few things I should say..
1) I was invited by “Trevor Gale” to join SESAC about 15 years ago.
2) The exclusives I am with do not take general/unsolicited submissions, and are by invitation.
3) Last year alone I got over 600 placements; only using about 50 tracks..August 9, 2017 at 2:18 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27914BEATSLINGERParticipantI hope this answers your question; because we are creative spirits and need to be in celebration of each other.
Here goes.. There are several music libraries that are posting on MLR for new composers, and new tracks. Send it to them..
Hopefully this is not out of turn, and dropping names. But I have been seeing a LOT of great info here about “John Manchester/Manchester Music” and are currently writing compositions specifically to submit to him..
August 9, 2017 at 1:48 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27911BEATSLINGERParticipantI wish you the best success, and I hope you do well!!
August 9, 2017 at 12:11 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27908BEATSLINGERParticipantThis is generally a very polite group. Lack of a direct response is a response in and of itself.
I actually think THIS is The Quote of The Day!
August 9, 2017 at 9:39 am in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27902BEATSLINGERParticipantGood morning to All! I would simply say this. Don’t be in a rush to get to a certain number of tracks. Take your time and go for quality! You can have 1000 Cues/Tracks, but if they are not as hot or hotter than your musical Piers/Competitors. You will just have a lot of tracks..
BEATSLINGERParticipantHello there my friend. I think that Art did say this correctly. You should not have to pay anything to get to “Reputable Music Libraries”. There are some “services” that will help you from a “consultancy stand-point” (that is how I got into the business, and knowing what I know now; they are lucky I haven’t hurt but, you should not have to pay to submit.
I think that what you are really saying is “How do I protect myself, and make sure that what I am sending out to Libraries/Catalogs/Industry does not get plagiarized; or used without my permission”. This is where the research really comes in, and why MLR is such a wealth. The critiques, and reviews about the libraries have been pretty spot on!
I will give you a quick hint. Since you are just getting into the business; go towards Mid-Level Libraries. Get some placements under your belt, and then start putting together “CD’s” for exclusive/top tier libraries. This business has a LOT to do with your track record, and if they can build a story around you. That’s where I was referring to “The Stripes”. Unless you get a mentor, a consultant, or a Shark. You are gonna have to earn them by building a track record. What ever you do, don’t go with the shark!
August 8, 2017 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Recycled some music : would like some experienced heads to give me some advice #27892BEATSLINGERParticipantHello there my friend. I went and took a listen. I would say that “if you have grown from a composition stand-point, and have a better feel for what you want musically and sonically. Look at those pieces as lessons learned, and move forward”. More, and more people are coming to this side of the business; so it is extremely important to have the best possible music and productions out there to get the placement. “Repurposing might not be your answer. Keep moving forward, and go for a sound that really represents you”.
Also, be careful about following trends too closely. It will put you right in the center of the pack; when you really need to stand out.
BEATSLINGERParticipantHello to All! I am not here to start arguments, nor be accusatory. But, here is the real. “There is no Blue-print to this, and each road is individual”. Some Libraries that work for others are not looking for what I do; and vice versa. I work towards being very helpful with people, because I wish everyone to be successful. If you took it as something to be “Ticked” about; that is up to you.
God Bless.
Also, my goal this year was to get into three new/additional “exclusive libraries”. By just doing research here on MLR; not only did i get accepted into three libraries. I was able to find libraries that are specifically looking for what I do.