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  • mojorising

    I still haven’t been able to bring myself to take his advice and go completely performance free but its tempting. Is that something you have tried or would try? Kind of scraping from the bottom at that point but I am learning thats the only way I will see lots of sales on this site.

    I’m mainly taking everyones advice on here and trying to diversify. send my tracks to a few NE gratis places (JP). A few NE companies that get sync fees although they are much more sporadic. And I just recently started with RF. So far I’m with P5, ST and another UK one. But I haven’t found a really great RF site yet. P5 is cool and i’ve seen a few sales but its so over saturated.

    I do have a few tracks with a big EX. from the UK that is connected to APM. This company (S) is EX in perpetuity so I”m a bit nervous to send any more tracks to them until I see some placements. So far I haven’t had much luck with any EX companies. But I also don’t think I have found any really good ones like you guys have mentioned on here who will actually pay up front for your tracks. That I would love, but so far haven’t come across any libraries like that.

    I’m wondering if there are any composers that have found just a couple EX great libraries and only send their stuff there and have seem some added success? You would think those companies breathe a little more value in to your music since it can’t be bought anywhere else. But for me that just hasn’t worked out yet so for now I”m sticking with the diversifying all models approach. But when I talk to the CEO at S (the UK apm associated one) he tells me we are forever devaluing our music by sending to these RF and NEs. But he also won’t turn around and pay me up front for my tracks.


    no its a German company with initials ST but its spelled as one word. you familiar?

    in reply to: Have you abandoned the PRO back end only model? #24914

    Have you seen any PRO income from your RF sales? Are the RF sites you are using the typical kind where clients still have to fil cue sheets if it’s for broadcast or have you done 100% performance free sites?


    One more question regarding the NE gratis model. Have you found most libraries in this model to mainly sell to 2nd tier obscure cable shows? I have a few songs with Mibe and they won’t accept any tracks that are in JP so I’m trying to chose between the two libraries. M is a bit smaller so I suppose that might be a plus. but I have gotten lots of JP placements over the past 4 years. mostly really low paying cable stuff snd it has slowed down a bit since they went EX. I would personally never do an EX for only gratis stuff.


    Thought I would bump this topic up. I have one RF library telling me if I go completely performance free with my new tracks I’ll make way more sales on his site. But I have the option. Anyone else been given that option and what do you think? So far I have continued to register my songs. On this site though you can just click a button to only see “100% royalty free direct license” tracks so clearly his clients mainly do that. Though I have seen a few sales even with them being PRO songs.

    in reply to: Have you abandoned the PRO back end only model? #24777

    That’s a pretty impressive amount of songs you all are putting out each month! I’m also in a touring band and I teach about 20 private guitar lessons per week on top of having a 2 year old baby so I’m finding it hard to get numbers like that consistently.

    I’ve been trying to decide whether to keep sending my tracks to 4 or 5 NE and RF or just send to one UK EX that is connected with APM. But I haven’t been with them long enough to know how they will perform with my music.

    in reply to: Have you abandoned the PRO back end only model? #24757

    Interesting. And that’s encouraging to hear actually. Can I ask roughly how many NE and RF libraries do you usually send tracks to? And about how many tracks per year not including sub mixes would you say you put in to the system? Just Curious if anyone has found kind of a target work flow that seems to get consistent results? or at least what you shoot for in output??


    Personally I think it’s pretty lame to use this forum which was started to be a resource for ALL members, to hook up with other members and only share info privately.

    “Lame” wouldn’t be the word I would use, but I see your point regarding possibly hurting the amount of paying members. It was not my intention to undercut anyone. I just have visited most of the library forums and while some have useful information there are quite a few with just banter. Or people leaving 10 star ratings with no comments or information on why. It seems people are not that willing to post their personal experience sometimes if it was positive. So I thought composers could benefit from sharing some information together. After all that is what this site was designed for? However I see your point regarding possibly hurting the paying memberships so I won’t continue with the idea. But can you think of ways to maybe incent people to post more information on the libraries? Useful information like how much have they earned, what kind of placements, what kind of music does best. Not saying there isn’t some great information on there, totally is!! But we could help each other out by contributing more info.


    The problem with this is that no one size fits all. What works now might not work next year. It’s always going to be a moving target.

    Totally agree. But I have found on average when one library turns out to be a waste of time, I start seeing others posting about that same library with mostly similar experience. Thats why the discussion I would like to have with composers is their absolute best experiences and absolute worst experiences with libraries. There is a ton of in between.


    I don’t believe we are allowed to share actual libraries in this forum unless its on an actual paid subscription forum. Thats why I suggested private messaging for those who were interested.

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