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  • in reply to: Soundproof #22052

    I know, but Soundproof is from Tunesat so that’s why I said Tunesat.

    in reply to: Soundproof #22049

    I wonder if this is a good alternative to Youtube content ID/Adrev etc. If I understand correctly Tunesat will report all uses of your music on Youtube and then you can decide which of those they should pursue, am I correct?

    Anyone signed up for this?

    in reply to: YouTube Warning Users On Copyright Violations #19103

    Here’s a quick way to batch convert several wav files + an image to video. (at least on windows, it’s probably also possible on Os X)

    – First download the “static version” of FFMPEG here: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/

    – Unpack it somewhere and run ff-prompt.bat so it will be installed into the directory where you unpacked it.

    – Now create a simple .jpg image I just added a solid color and made the size 1280px by 720px and save it as “image.jpg”.

    – Put the image and all the .wav-files you want to convert in one folder.

    – Open notepad or another text editor and paste this in there:

    @echo off
    for %%F in (*.wav) do (
    ffmpeg -loop 1 -i “image.jpg” -i “%%~nF.wav” -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest -t 90 “%%~nF.mp4”


    – Save this file into the same directory where you put the audio and image. You can save it as any name you want but make sure you replace the .txt extension with .bat

    – When you now start this .bat file it will go through every .wav file in that directory and merges it with the image into a video. I set it so that it creates a video of a maximum of 90 seconds but you can use any value by changing the “-t 90” in the batch-file.

    I’ve converted about 300 .wavs today and am now uploading them to Youtube!

    in reply to: Longer list of recent comments #18883

    Great! Thanks a lot Art!

    in reply to: Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing #18664

    First of all Mark thanks a ton for doing this and giving it away for free!

    I have installed it on my webserver (Hostgator) but I have a problem with uploading files to the mediabin. And before I contact the support e-mail address I thought I might as well ask here.

    On the upload page, after trying to upload a file, I get an “Upload error: 404” message and there’s a popup box with the text “Error:error”.

    The mediabin directory exists and its permissions are ste to 777.

    Does anyone know what might fix this error?


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