1,729 thoughts on “General Questions”

    • Hi Steven,

      This is actually nothing new or ground-breaking. The Turtle Island Quartet and the Kronos String Quartet have been covering rock and jazz tunes like this for 20+ years.

      Here’s a video of Kronos doing Jimi Hendrix “Purple Haze”
      in 1991. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dE65iTuG4Y

      I guess the ad guys are just catching up.


  1. Not sure where to post this one but: I watched a bit of a documentary by Adam Curtis called All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace. It was aired on the BBC. I would love to name my new track with the same title. Im not sure if that’s allowed. Would I be breaking copyright laws? I would be intending on making money from the song through licensing. ( i have a feeling its probably not allowed )

      • Art’s correct. There are no copyrights for titles or short phrases. However, trademarks are a different story. Trademarks distinguish one product from another. I remember when “Friendly’s” moved into our area. Many of the eateries in that vicinity started advertising they were the friendliest restaurant. They all had to remove the word Friendly from their signs.

          • Be careful MichaelL. Some VIP from Friendly’s may be lurking. 😀

            I couldn’t believe those businesses weren’t allowed to use that common adjective. They weren’t using “friendly” as a name, only as a way to describe their establishment.

      • Okay thanks for the comms guys. @ Art, can you exlplain what you mean by karma wise it might be a different story? I hadnt thought about that side of it. I just assumed that if the creator happened to hear my song he would possibly enjoy it and be happy that id been inspired by his work? I love the title and thought it would be a great song title.

  2. Anyone using a tablet computer for uploading
    new music to sites they are on,Ipads,and the rest,
    or are you sticking to a tower/laptop?

    • Hi Dan

      A lot of sites are iPad unfriendly. Audiosparx crashes it if you try to edit and a lot of sites use flash mp3 players which of course don’t work for iPad. All in all, bearing in mind that that the tracks were created and reside on my tower I use that to upload.

      • @Denis:
        Like I figured,one has to do a bit of research
        before jumping into this game.
        I know audio sparx is more pc friendly than mac
        but change is constant for sure.
        My guess is its another way to get into a business that has
        growth potential. The app-mosphere!!happy thanksgiving!

  3. Ok I’ve paid for a month’s subscription. Now what? I don’t have any option to log in. I need a password sent to me, money has left my account.


    • @ James are you in the US or somewhere else?

      If you’re in the US: Art is on the west coast, so you’re on the east coast there may be a delay in getting your password.

      If you’re not in the US, tomorrow is a holiday that we call Thanksgiving. Many people spend today traveling to be with family, which could also result in a delay in the issuance of a password.

      Rest assured that Art will provide you with a password.



    • Hi James,

      You should have received an e-mail with instructions on completing your registration. They sometimes get trapped in a spam folder so please check there first. If you don’t have it then e-mail me, via the contact link in the navigation menu, and I will take care of it.

      Thanks for signing up!


    • Hi James, I just checked further and you paid by eCheck on 11-21-2011, via PayPal. It takes 6-8 days for the funds to clear when paying by eCheck. When it does, you will receive the e-mail to complete the registration. Sorry for any confusion.


      • Ok no problem, but for the record, the cash has left my account that’s why I thought it’d be sorted. Happy Thanksgiving!!

        • Yeah, sorry. It’s just the instructions that PayPal sends me when I get an eCheck payment. Credit cards are instantaneous.

          Happy Soy Turkey Loaf day! 🙂

  4. I am new to MLR and would like to ask the best way people are embedding metadata into their WAV audio files. I would like to include lyrics as well as basic information so that if I save it in iTunes it can be transferred to a hard drive and put in another computer and come up for someone else accurately. Which method works best when dealing with these music libraries?

    Thank you

    • Hi Chris
      Welcome to the MLR. I use Audacity for a Mac. It’s free and I embed just my name and creation date. I know ther is a notes section, I am not sure how much info you can put in ther though.

      • I have read that the tagging system in wide useage for WAV files is the Broadcast Wave Format, which is stored as a RIFF chunk. Is any body using this?

        • I always use BWAV files to record any audio. BWAV files imbed their position on a timeline in a DAW
          Therefore say you import an audio file from Logic into Protools all you have to do is spot the file and voila it’s in it’s correct position in session. Can be a lifesaver.

          When working to picture, assuming your editor is working off the same time code, it works perfectly for syncing a mixed cue to a cut.

          Always use then as a preference.

          • Hi Denis:

            Thank you for responding to my question. It sounds like you use the BWAV files for everything audio, including MP3 128k audio. I would like to ask you which chunk you use to record your metadata. Do you use the ‘bext’ chunk, the ‘LIST INFO’ chunk, or some other chunk?


            • Hi Chris

              TBH I havn’t a clue. All my audio files are BWAV. I take my 24 bit BWAV file and use Audacity to make it 16/44. I then just add composer info with that. Which chunk it uses I really dont know.
              Most all DAW let you choose BWAV as the default record file. I do so for many reasons, its probably he standard file format at this point and especially for the sync issues I mentioned above.

  5. OK – this is sort of a rant. When I check out some of the “hip-hop/urban” samples of some libraries, I have to scratch my head. I do hip-hop/urban (haven’t shared any of that – just industrial on here) and I’m beginning to think that maybe I’m “too hip-hop” for some libraries? Its like half of the hip-hop is done by people who don’t do hip-hop but decided to try and do it and got in anyway.

    What a finicky industry! Ok, I’m done. I feel better. thx for reading. Moving forward… 🙂

    • Hi Sanktifyd,

      You’re not imagining things. Many libraries want music that is totally mainstream –“safe” that appeals to the widest possible audience.

      Keep in mind that the majority of library music is not a record deal where you’re trying to sell hip hop, or metal, or country to fans of those genres. It is often used in the background, to sell products, and create an image for those products. The advertisers do not want to alienate buyers with music that they don’t like. Something that sounds “like” hip-hop will convey the message that the product is cool without driving away “average” buyers. Real hip hop is too gritty and too many people do not identify with it , so you get the watered down variety. It’s used all the time in the shows that I write for.

      What I assume you think of as real hip-hop might get used in marketing targeted directly at the hip hop audience. How much of that music gets into libraries, would depend on the size of the demographic and value of the market.
      I read one music supervisor’s blog, where she stated that neither hardcore hip-hop nor real country music would ever get used in mainstream ads.

      That’s not to say that there aren’t some libraries that pride themselves on offering the real deal. You might call them “anti-library” libraries…sort of niche marketing. How that will do in the long run — I don’t know. It will probably work until their music, like the hipster look goes mainstream. When you’re dad starts wearing big plaids and black-framed glasses — it’s over.

      Look for libraries that get placements in “urban” programming and sports like wrestling and boxing. I think that Jon Fulford can address that, or point you in the right direction.


      • This single response alone is well worth the price of subscription to this website. Thank you very much for the candid response. Everything you stated makes total sense.

        Sounds like what I’ll probably need to do is make “hip-hop” for TV vs. the “keep it real” stuff which I can see be classified as too urban. Great advice.

        So much to learn going from producing music for artists vs tv/film.

      • Great advice and so true.

        I do have to question that music supervisors blog. I guess he never heard the phrase “never say never”

        I don’t know about hip-hop but I do know that there are many mainstream ads with “real” country.

        Another Day Another Dollar was used by a major car company, very real Bakersfield sound country and I know that Hey, Good Looking has been used many times, can’t get any more real than Hank Williams Sr.!!

        • Hey euca,

          You’re right…never say never. I did find the absolute nature of her statement a bit extreme.

          There are exceptions. Do you remember if the ad for a major car company was for a pick-up truck? That’s a natural combination. You’d be surprised how many country songs mention a truck. Even “city slickers” like to feel like cowboys when it comes to their trucks. If Ford is trying to tap into truck buyers’ “inner cowboy,” sure they’ll use country music.

          “Hey Good Lookin” has iconic status that exceeds genre. Just those three words work in so many situations.



          • Yes, Hey Good Looking is very iconic and you are right, Hank Williams music does cross many genres.

            Actually the car commercial was for a typical sedan of some sort,it may have been Honda but I can’t remember exactly. It was the commercial itself that really stuck, really well done.
            It was basically someone working many odd jobs to save up to purchase the car. The song worked on many levels in that ad. Not just that the car was affordable but it was a sign of our economic times.

            It was the Wynn Stewart version, and from what I read his estate saw an influx of record sales.

  6. Ok – I did a search on the site for “broadjam” and it came back with two hits but I couldn’t find any more info when I clicked on the links. Anyway, my question is what is the general consensus on these sites? The *ONLY* reason I ask is because there is a posting for “Slow, melodic, dark songs and instrumentals similar to Nine Inch Nails.” I’m thinking “ok, I think I got that”, but of course its like $10 a pop to submit. what I don’t know is if Broadjam is just acting as a broker and just sending music to the same music libraries listed on this site. The problem is I have no idea. I did Taxi years back so I’m not crazy about having to “pay to play” but I was curious to know what the “vets” on here though about services like broadjam? (again, I did search the site first so if I missed it, please feel free to correct me!)

    • I had broadjam but I quit paying people to forward or listen to my music. At You could go broke doing that.
      I’m steering clear of libraries that will accept anything as long as you’ve got the money. I go to libraries that will sometimes say,”We listened to four of your songs and one of them sucks!” instead of,” you got the money? You’re in!”
      I let my Taxi expire this year and no more making sure everybody gets paid whether I do or not. Period. Having seen my first check,though not much, from a “free” library, I realized I definitely don’t have to keep paying people so they can keep paying somebody who rejects my music while he letting others pass. There are plenty of libraries that do that for free.
      These libraries make money off people with dreams like you. That’s not to say Taxi or Broadjam is bad, I believe they do what they say they’ll do which is to submit to music libraries that you most likely can’t submit to directly but probably in 95%+ of the cases a license won’t pay for all those fees that led up to it.
      It’s not the principle, it’s the money of the thing. lol

      • Yeah – I think I’m inclined to agree with you. I tried searching Google to see if I could find the same posting on another site (in hopes of finding out who the library is) but that didn’t work. LOL. I *would* consider submitting one or two songs if it meant I knew who received it (basically use it as a networking tool) but my guess is that they do their best to shield that info to keep you coming back to pay for more “opportunities”.

        It would be cool if someone wrote a program that would attach itself to an MP3 and send you information regarding who had that MP3, how many times it was forwarded, etc,. Oh wait, I guess that would be a virus? But still, it would be cool..

        Thanks Pat!

          • I appreciate you sharing. I think I’m going to go with my gut and not mess with them. I have a better chance of submitting my music to the libraries I discovered on this site (that rated high in my analysis). I’m trying to distinguish myself from the “masses” (so to speak) and working through Broadjam doesn’t really lend itself to that.


  7. I hope this requeset is ok? Would you take a couple of minutes and check out the following soundcloud link? I would like to know what you would classify this music as. I’m just calling it “electronic” but is there something better I should tag it as? Also, are there groups/artists that these tracks remind of you of? That would help me immensly as I work to get all the meta data around my catalogue built up.

    (I would have done the “critique” thing but at this juncture, I just want to know how to classify this – not whether or not it is any good… not yet at least!)

    Thank you in advance…


    • I don’t know if this is a recognised genre, but I’d call it softcore industrial. It’s a bit like Psyclon 9, Grendel, Android Lust et al, on valium. Of course, that description won’t work for marketing purposes. :-/

      Maybe there was a period when Trent Reznor sounded like this. Not sure. A lot of it sounds like it could have come from the first Quake installment.

      Not saying it sounds dated, just trying to think of what it sounds like.

    • Very difficult to tag songs. I try not to be to clever about it. Industrial and sounds like NIN and Muse. This gives your average client, who lets face it, is probably not a muso the best idea idea of your track

      • @Rob, @woodsdenis – thanks!! I think I’ll keep with the “industrral” tag and leave it at that. I had actually forgot that label so thanks for mentioning it.

        @ Rob – No offense at all. Honestly, some of it reminds me of video game music I heard when playing on my commodore 64 back in the days when I was a kid. Also reminds me of demo music I used to listen to on my C64 too. Of course the sound isn’t the same but the “vibe” is real similar (so I get the Quake comment).

        Thanks again; both of you have helped me. Being in rap/hip-hop so much, sometimes you lose touch on what else is happening out in the world. 🙂

          • thx! I have a habit of mixing genres and dubstep is one of those things I like too 🙂

            Again – appreciate the feedback (all). really trying to do this film/tv thing right. Went through all the reviews, got my list of 30 or so companies – got my music “identified”.. now its a matter of the submission process.

            Patience is a virtue… 🙂

            • Mixing genres can be a good thing. It contributes towards *your* sound for starters. I know there is a lot of business in ‘sounds like’ and ‘close but not too close’, however if you find a way to market your sound, personally I find that way more fulfilling.

              • I co-sign 100%. As I heard one successful platinum producer say… listen to the radio to hear what NOT to produce.

                • Most times on Broad-Jam, they will ask for a certain sound and pick something totally different that what they are asking for.

                  It is a lottery in the truest sense.

                  There was a submission recently for a current Dr. Dre sound and they picked something that sounded like Simon and Garfunkel.. no kidding.

  8. Hello all! I just joined the site, hoping to gain some wisdom and insight since I would love to get some of my tracks in TV/Film. I have two major questions that I’m hoping someone can help me with?

    #1 – if im doing non-exclusives, does that mean I can have the same 40 songs placed with multiple music libraries? I’m guessing the answer is yes (unless a contract states otherwise). I ask because I was greenlit to send material in to pump audio but based on the comments, that will be a long process to get in their catalogue. Might as well sow the same seed (songs) as many times if possible?

    #2 – I read on another comment (another topic) where someone suggested trying to match your musical style with the appropriate music library for a greater chance of success. I thought that was good advice. I primarily do urban instrumental (hip-hop, r&b, neo soul, trip hop), as well as some darker electronic sounding stuff (think Resident Evil / tomandandy -esque). Based on your experiences and knowledge, are there particular music libraries that may be a better fit for said genres? I’m going through the list of music libraries but it’s really hard for me to ascertain something like this right now (with all the info coming at me!)

    I would really appreciate any info/advice that can be shared. This seems to be such a hard industry to “crack” into because the few people I know who have had placements simply don’t want to share how they did it. I’m not sure why (maybe they are lying? lol) but I’m really hoping this site will help me finally break through! 🙂

    Thank you (in advance)!


    • I found the Copyright Questions thread so I *think* I’m good on #1 – sounds like the key is to NEVER transfer your copyright (which I knew) and keep everything in the non-exclusive domain. At least that is what I got. Great info!

      Any takers on #2? 🙂

    • Hi Stephen,

      Thanks for joining.

      On question #1 there are varying opinions on exclusive versus non-exclusive. I spread my music around a bit but many people don’t agree and treat non-exclusives as exclusive. In other words one piece of music to only one library. That being said either way you should not give up your copyright unless someone is willing to pay you good money for it ($800-$1000?) and they have a good track record of placing material.

      #2: Hard to comment on which libraries are good for your music. There’s a lot of trial and error to find the libraries that work for you, there are no shortcuts. As said here many times before… Patience and persistence!

      • Thank you Art!

        I will take your advice to heart on #2 (and #1). I’m going through every one of the music libraries and just reading the feedback and making decisions from there. Then I’m going to try and figure out which mode works best (in relation to exclusive vs. non-exclusive). Since I’m early in the game (to tv/film), at this point I just want good exposure but not at the cost of selling out (i.e. never sign over copyrights). I do like the idea of having certain tracks for certain libraries. For instance my dark-electronic sounding stuff may be great for [fill in the blank] but my hip-hop will be better with pumpaudio (or something like that.)

        Thanks again and loving the site. This is exactly what I needed! 🙂

  9. Anybody here a Kontakt user? Im using version 4. Im in the middle of a track where im using the Kontakt 4 grand piano. Its set automatically that lower notes are panned to left and higher notes panned to the right but I can for the life of me find out how to ‘unspread’ the samples so that every note is played panned centre. anybody here know?

      • ill chek that on kontakt then thanks. i put it thru ozone and set it to mono but it sounded poor so maybe it will sound better if kontakt does the monoing onboard. thanks Art.

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