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Mango Reel

Rating: 5.5/10. From 2 votes.
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If you are a composer and/or songwriter, please leave your comments and experiences with this company. We want to hear the good as well as the bad! Please rate, from 1 to 10, by clicking on one of the stars. Below is some general information but we make no guarantee of accuracy. Check with the company for all details. Please contact us for any corrections.

URL: http://www.mangoreel.com/
Accepting Submissions: Yes
Submit Online: No
Submit By Mail: Yes
Submissions Reviewed: Yes
Types Accepted:
  • Vocals
  • Instrumentals
Charge For Submissions: Yes
Up Front Money: No
Royalty Free:
(non-broadcast use)
(Exclusive, Non, Semi)

(Semi = Free to place on own
but not with another library)
Re-Title: Unknown
Set Own Price: Unknown
Contract Length: Unknown
Payment Schedule: Unknown
License Fee Split:
PRO Split Based on 100%:
or writer)
Requires Licensee To File Cue Sheet: Yes
Pays On Blanket License:
YouTube Content ID:
Active Site: No
Offers Subscriptions To Clients:

From their site:

Submitting your music to us is easy. We listen to everything you send and we'll try to get back to you within 14 days to tell you if we're interested. We charge a one-off fee of £3.50 - this wont make us rich, but ensures we cut down on spam and actually spend time listening to the music that matters!

As soon as you've got your receipt from Paypal, 'cut and paste' the transaction ID number into the subject line of an email and send us links to your music online - Myspace or your band website is fine. Let us know who you are and what you think we should be listening to.

30 thoughts on “Mango Reel”

  1. Just for those who ARE interested…

    Mango got back to me a couple of days ago. I got an email advising they had listened to the music on the links that I had sent them The email listed the tracks that they felt would be a good fit for their library, they also outllined their future plans regarding where they wanted their library to go in terms of competing with the larger giants.

    I liked their attitude and what they had to say and they let me know what they were looking for from their artists. The marketing looks great and I like their style and where they are hoping to go, so I will be signing up with them although it will only be a few select tracks.

    From the information they have sent to me this is not going to be a one size fits all library, but it is a library that I want to be part of as I like their attitude and marketing ideas.

    For me it was worth the £3.50 submission fee, it is my decision and I am happy with it, if you don;t like it then just dont submit to them.

    Best Keith

      • Thanks Pat

        I sent them links to all of my music…. and no…. you do not need to pay the £3.50 again it is a one off fee. from the emails I feel that I now have a working relationship with them so all looks good. They know what I am about and vice versa:-) They seem really cool!

          • @ Hysteria

            They passed on all of my electronica too, they seem to have picked up on the funk element of my music with a view to me developing this. I don’t want to say too much on a public forum as the contents of the email were private. What I will say is they have a clear idea of the music they are looking for and the sound that they want their artists to have.

            To answer Pat’s earlier question they are UK Based

            Best Keith

    • “it is my decision and I am happy with it, if you don;t like it then just dont submit to them.”

      It’s annoying when people write puerile comments like that that effectively stop a discussion stone dead – I mean, that is the point of this site isn’t it? We give opinions and interact in a friendly, professional manner? Throwing the toys out of the pram and saying ‘if you don’t like…don’t do it” is the kind of thing my 6 year old niece says. Can’t we raise the bar just a bit higher than that?

      IMO, charging the £3.50 is ethically wrong, but I for one am quite prepared to have a grown-up discussion on the principle and perhaps see the error of my thinking if the evidence is persuasive. i.e., I paid my £3.50 and Mango have earnt me 50K in 2 years. Yeah, something like that is persuasive.

      • @ Jello

        I do not believe that any of my comments above are juvenile. I have always tried to share my experience with MLR and I have enjoyed being part of this forum. Neither do I post anonymously… as you do.. Where can we go to listen to your music if you are so keen to share., you probably are not even a composer. People like you spoil forums like this for everybody else

        So, here is a juvenile comment for you and I AM going to spit my dummy out!

        I find your comments very personal and offensive and for that reason this will be my last posting on the site. People like you spoil forums like this for everybody else. I also note that you have now edited your comment above, clearly you are already aware how offensive it was.

        To the rest of the gang and ART, all the best and I wish you all every success


        • @MidiBass Ignore him, He is a borderline troll at the best of times. We need real bass players on this forum LOL. You are entirely right to spend your money how you see fit and not be criticized for it.

          I have an issue with any library that charges for submissions, thats who I am criticizing, I think its just wrong. However I and I am sure everyone else here respects your decision and wont comment upon it.

          This forum will be a poorer place without you. Dont get offended by a poster whose forum name is a second class dessert.


        • @MidiBass: Just ignore Jello. Everyone has their own path to walk. I’ve always believed in following one’s instinct, so trust it and don’t pay attention to what others say. Just remember there are no rules!

  2. Don’t care if it’s one penny, if a company asks for payment to submit then WALK AWAY. There are plenty of free methods to weed out spam so that is a poor excuse.

    • Agreed! DO NOT PAY! They should be paying you.

      Can I just say that again to reemphasize the point? DO NOT PAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! That is no basis for good music business and it is extremely unprofessional.

      I also get very suspicious when companies don’t provide a proper address. It’s like they’re trying to hide something.

        • I dont like the idea but £3.50 doesnt seem too bad to me if its only once you have to pay it. Like it costs at least £1000 for a basic music setup before you can do anything. So whats £3.50 to have a chance of getting into a select library where youll probably make a lot more back.

          • Let’s be clear, paying the £3.50 guarantees diddly squat, just that some oik in the office gets a very, very easy payday. They must be laughing all the way to the bank as people send in their hard-earned cash desperate to get their stuff on any library – and of course, alot of people will say “well, it’s only £3.50 so why not?”. Why not? Well it’s about self-respect and being professional in this business and dealing with people who respect your work. A £3.50 fee is not an example of someone respecting you as a composer. No, with that they are making a statement along the lines of “we’re really busy and have loads of demos to get through and it’s a real pain we really can’t be bothered but if you pay the fee then we’ll get interested for 5 mins and grant your wish and deify your submission by giving it the time of day…which we don’t usually do because we are just such an amazing library who have so many submissions not like Extreme and KPM who don’t charge…noooo…we are the real deal so it’s a privilege paying the money to us…really…”

            – and I don’t believe the ‘cutting down on spam’ line.

            Proper libraries don’t charge, it’s ridiculous. So why does Mango charge? Maybe they need the money. In which case we can assume they’re unsuccesful.

            If you are writing great music, you are doing THEM a favour by sending the stuff in! After all, this great music will then help enhance their library won’t it? Asking for £3.50 is a con – and an insult.

            I wouldn’t touch them with a bargepole.

            DO NOT PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Respect your music.


            • I like the “You need to pay us to show you’re serious” angle some libraries use.
              You may have spent thousands on your gear and or education to get your career going but you haven’t proved you’re serious till you send us $5 to listen to your music. Now THAT would put you over the top if you want respect from us. lmao!

              • This kind of behavior is borderline criminal – it’s trading on people’s desperation for success. There is absolutely no justifiable reason to have to pay to submit tracks to a library.

                If anyone is seriously thinking about going down this route – FORGET IT – DO NOT PAY.

  3. Hi All

    Followed the instructions regarding submitting and sent £3.50 submission fee via paypal and emailed them with the receipt. That was 13 Feb but I have so far not received a response from them, shame really… the website and client list looks impressive.

    • it took them about a month to get back to me, so you should hear from them soon enuf. seem like a friendly bunch to me. gave me some goodd feedback on my music and some tips on getting it licensed. I dint get accepted tho. they said:

      ”I’ve had a listen to your CD. To be honest you’ve had me a bit stumped on this one…

      I like the tracks and think the production quality is good.

      However, I don’t think they will fit with what we’re trying to achieve with our licensing catalogue at the moment”

      Id say if you can get in you’ll be doin well. i dint really mind payn the small fee but if everyone was doin that id be out a fortune by now

  4. non-exclusive
    50/50 license fees
    100% PRO paymenst to contributor
    accepting CD only
    charge for submission – yes (3,5gbp):

    From their site:
    Submitting your music to us is easy. We listen to everything you send and we’ll try to get back to you within 14 days to tell you if we’re interested. We charge a one-off fee of £3.50 – this wont make us rich, but ensures we cut down on spam and actually spend time listening to the music that matters!
    As soon as you’ve got your receipt from Paypal, ‘cut and paste’ the transaction ID number into the subject line of an email and send us links to your music online – Myspace or your band website is fine. Let us know who you are and what you think we should be listening to.

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