If you are a composer and/or songwriter, please leave your comments and experiences with this company. We want to hear the good as well as the bad! Please rate, from 1 to 10, by clicking on one of the stars. Below is some general information but we make no guarantee of accuracy. Check with the company for all details. Please contact us for any corrections. |
URL: | http://www.revostock.com/ | |
Twitter: | ||
Facebook: | ||
Accepting Submissions: | Yes | |
Submit Online: | Yes | |
Submit By Mail: | No | |
Submissions Reviewed: | Yes | |
Types Accepted: | Instrumentals | |
Charge For Submissions: | No | |
Up Front Money: | No | |
Royalty Free: (non-broadcast use) |
Yes | |
Exclusivity: (Exclusive, Non, Semi) (Semi = Free to place on own but not with another library) |
Re-Title: | Unknown | |
Set Own Price: | No | |
Contract Length: | Unknown | |
Payment Schedule: | Monthly | |
License Fee Split: (writer/library) |
45/55 | |
PRO Split Based on 100%: (writer/library writer/library/publisher or writer) |
100/0 | |
Requires Licensee To File Cue Sheet: | Yes | |
Pays On Blanket License: | ||
YouTube Content ID: | ||
Active Site: | No | |
Offers Subscriptions To Clients: | ||
Notes: |
191 thoughts on “RevoStock”
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I have uploaded I think now 3 months ago a few tracks but they are still pending. Seems like all activity has stopped or that they are focussing on solving all the ongoing issues.
Did anyone here notice some activity from their side (beside their few words on the producers tips part of the website)
I just checked – I uploaded tracks on March 18th and they all got approved already. This might be some oversight, jaapvisser. I would contact them about it.
Same thing here. I’ve been waiting for 3 months or so. Strange indeed.
Yeah I will contact them then 🙂 I have around 50 more tracks waiting to be uploaded, but I want to be sure first that they accept things before I spend time in processing them.
Yes they do say though if you need to be paid and you are under the threshold to just email them. Also with revo, I noticed that I always sell more (of older and newer tracks) shortly after I have uploaded new tracks. Revo however, is never my top selling library for the month.
Ok, thanks a lot JD and Fish80.
I guess you are aware of what happened lately to RS, aren’t you?
I hope they’ll sort everything out because I found to be a little but nice montly addition stream for me… Previous payment of mine was skipped and have something over their new $100 threshold to withdraw…
I find the site often not reachable lately, I don’t know…
Wanted to post a link to their blog concerning the whole situation, but it isn’t reachable right now.
Hi Fish80, I just joined Revostock a few days ago, so I am very curious to know … what’s happening? I looked at their blog, and read about the fact that they have a backlog, but doesn’t seem too serious. So, what’s the problem you are referring to? Thanks a lot.
They got sued.
Yes, a pretty long story… If you can login is better to read all through the blog rather than let me explain the whole situation with my poor english lol 🙂
The links are two. One is that provided by JD and here’s the follow up http://www.revostock.com/ProducerNews.html?&ID=178
I’ve been with this library for less than a year and I find their track approval process to be extremely slow (6-8 weeks). I have at least 100 tracks to upload that have been selling well on other sites but if I don’t see an improvement soon, I’m bailing. I understand that it must be difficult to screen hundreds of tracks each week, but if other libraries can do it…one has to wonder.
I usually only sell one track every two weeks, which I’m ok with, if only I could upload and clear my cues quicker.
I have tracks that have been pending for 6 weeks, waiting to be approved. I didn’t expect it to be so slow.
They weren’t bad a couple of years but I bailed on them awhile back. They seemed to have lost their way, at least for me.
Just thought I’d share the fact that I’ve had a few electronic tracks rejected by Revostock recently. On a blog post they state: ‘Currently we have a lot of “Dance/Electronica” music in our library. This does not mean we will not accept it, but it must be exceptionally good and different from what we already have.’
Art & The Missus,
I think I understand but it would be useful to me if you would clarify, because you maintain every track to your current standard of skill and software,which is constantly improving you feel it’s best to pull the tracks completely rather than have what you might consider to be an inferior piece just left sitting there?
I don’t upgrade my mixes on any of the sites I’m on. That would be even more exhausting! Besides many of those tracks keep earning money on the sites that do well for me. I’d rather take the time and re-write the track sideways and have a new cue.
Makes sense now.
I have been with Revostock for a little over a year. I have 278 full length tracks on their site and have sold 55. Most at the Standard tier. Gonna hang with them for awhile and see what happens with this new pricing.
I have about 140 tracks but with alts they come to about 350. In the last year I’ve sold 69.
Craig is trying to convince me to give them a few more months. Still debating it.
I hope it helps…I have a ton of music there (200 sound effects too).I’ve seen sales drop off significantly over the past year and I upload new stuff monthly – also…what does “wider” mean?
I just asked them to close my account and pull all my files. I’ve been with them about three years and sales have gotten much worse over time.
I’ve considered that too Art..
@Art We pulled our account last month too!
TV work has been a blessing, but it set my library plans back almost two years.
I’m basically starting at square one in the RF world.
@Art and @ the Missus, what are your reasons for leaving RevoStock…just poor sales?
Do you think it would be a good home for work further down the food chain, i.e, work that you spent hours, rather than days on?
Yes, just poor sales. It is a such competitive game we are in and as Art has said many times here, it isn’t one size fits all, its about finding a library that works well for you. We have been working with RF sites for about three years now and we are only just beginning to see the results now.
We need to move forward and rather than just upload everything everywhere (which is so time consuming!) we plan to work with the libs that we sell well with! Jon is a great guy and Revostock model is a good one but we did not make a great deal of money with them. There are others here on MLR that have done very well:-)
We are always going to try new libraries and are open to new opportunities but I don’t see the point in having music sitting in a library in the hope of the odd sale, if its not moving then maybe we just don’t provide what their clientele is looking for. At the same time you have to have so much patience in this game! After three years we are only just looking at the figures now and able to make a judgement call and cull some libraries.
Also for me it is about control of your stock, my husband is the composer and I am the uploader and admin person, as we upgrade software and get better mixes I generally will go in and replace the track so the quality is always good and represents the sounds that we are producing right now, its difficult to do that when you work with 20 libraries.
The music we upload to the RF sites is good but when he produces a batch of music for me to upload I will generally filter out the stronger tracks and give them back to him to spend more time on, remix, edit, polish and these tracks eventually go to our exclusive libs, I do follow your line Michael of the different tiers to the industry!
@The Missus, thank you for your thorough explanation. Small world..ha! My Missus is going to fill a very similar role, once we downsize and move to the country!
@Art Thanks for your reply.
I suppose the best thing would be to test the waters, but it sounds like they’re not going to be at the top of the list, Only so many ours in a day.
@MichaelL. Yes poor sales is my biggest complaint and, as “The Missus” states, the uploading and constant admin duties take up a huge amount of time for all of the various sites.
As for a home for tracks that you have spent less time on, only trying Revostock would let you know.