After 30 or so years of making music with computers, it’s not often that I find a piece of software that I get excited about. One look at their video demonstration and I instantly “got it” and had to have it! Of course it’s easy to overuse and probably will. But damn, it’s just so much fun!
Check out the video:
If you think you will want to buy Stutter Edit please help out Music Library Report and click on image below to buy through the Guitar Center.
Recently found some more excellent effects created by a German company called Sugar Bytes. Of relevance to this thread are “Effectrix” and “Turnado”. I would consider them both worthy competition to Stutter Edit and in the case of Effectix, just over half the price and IMO, a bit easier to use. It has a slew of effects and a step sequencer where you simply paint in, move or delete each effect as needed. All effects are editable in detail. And the length of the sequencer can be changed on the fly.
I hope to post a demo of Effectrix in action soon.
Ps. Lest it appear I have a vendetta against Art, I don’t! 🙂 I really like Stutter Edit but I think it’s too overpriced.
The irony of course is that I’ve spent more on substitute effects anyway!! 🙂 …but in doing so I’ve discovered some excellent effect developers who should be rewarded for producing well-priced, quality, highly usable plugins.
Here’s a before and after using Effectrix played live over the whole track…
Original –
Mashed –
+1 on all Sugar Bytes stuff.
What the crap is this? This should be removed, before you know it Musiclibraryreport will be a magnet for sample libraries to advertise. I for one do not want to pay for a membership where it is infected with advertisers.
TBH this site needs to support itself and make at least some revenue to compensate for the time involved in running it. This is a genuinely interesting and novel idea and worthy of discussion IMO. I really dont think any of us are going to run out and buy this just because it is a thread on the MLR. If however you do want to purchase it, asking us to consider buying it from a certain vendor is hardly much of an issue in my book.
@J3h43f4: “Infected with advertisers”, you’re joking, right?
Rob (a long time member) and myself plug a piece of software that we really like and use, as well as a place to buy it. If you have an issue with that. I will gladly refund your money and close your account. Just send me an e-mail (via the Contact form) if you wish to pursue this.
I apologize Art, I falsely assumed this was posted by a Izotope/NI employee.
No problem, apology accepted.
I understand your confusion but after the way NI handled the Kore discontinuation I can assure you I’m no longer a fanboy and certainly not an employee! 🙂
When Art first posted this thread about Stutter Edit, I’d just trialled it and liked it but thought it was way overpriced. Having just found something similar for Reaktor at a more reasonable price (IMO), I wanted to share it in case others were in a similar boat.
No advertising conspiracy here mate, just guys sharing tools. 🙂
I know you’ve already apologised, just wanted to add my 2c.
For those with Reaktor, I want to bring ‘Rolodecks Pro’ to your attention. It’s an ensemble made by Twisted Tools. I bought their Scapes and love it. I trialled Buffeater and didn’t really get into it, but just listening to the demos for Rolodecks was an instant sell. It does great stutter, glitching, slicing etc at a fraction of the cost of Stutter Edit.
Ps. After playing with it more, it isn’t really a true alternative to Stutter Edit but there’s enough in it to keep me happy especially when combined with other creative fx.