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Keeping Track Of Your Music


A reader suggested this topic and I thought it was a good idea.

How do you keep track of your submissions to the various music libraries and projects? Who accepted and who rejected? What songs are placed with what companies and the alternate titles for each song? What other relevant data do you track?

I built a relational database (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relational_database) using Alpha 5 Software (http://www.alphasoftware.com/). I like going this route as it so easy to massage the data. When I need to I can export the data in whatever format someone needs, Excel, PDF, etc. I also use it to create addendums to contracts as I add music to their catalogs.

So what do you use?

Reader Bobby Cole has been kind enough to post his solution. Thanks Bobby, awesome job! Right click on the below link to download.

Excel Spreadsheet Template

26 thoughts on “Keeping Track Of Your Music”

  1. Very interesting thread. Any updates since 2010? I’m about to launch into producing lots of songs and cues over the next 20 years, and I’d like to avoid reinventing the wheel. Is anyone aware of an app that does all the above? Dave Skinner

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