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MLR Phone App


I’ve been thinking about a phone app for MLR for awhile now but didn’t know quite how to get there. The other day in USA Today there was an article on how to do this, for free, at the web site www.appmakr.com (there is no “e” in “makr” in the domain name). The process is pretty simple but not having a smart phone I have no idea if I have it right. So if any of you have an Android phone would you please go to the Android market place, try it out and let me know if it works. Also let me know if there are any features you might want add. BTW the app is free. Here’s the link.

Apple iPhone. What a pain in the butt! I signed for their developer account ($99) jumped through all of their hoops and tried to activate my account and they say they can’t recognize me. Two e-mails to them and no reply, argh!

7 thoughts on “MLR Phone App”

    • One thing about Apple is their customer service is second to none. They managed to deliver a replacement keyboard for a laptop to a hotel in New york when I was on tour. They had a window of about 48 hours. Keyboard arrived with a Quicktime video of how to install it and the phone no of a service guy to help if I needed it. It really was remarkable.

  1. Art, you should definitely do what ever it takes to have an app for the Apple store and the Android store! 🙂 😉

    A smartphone may not mean much to you, but all of the young people who will one day enter the music licensing business need to know about this site.

    Many young people use smart phones and need to know about music licensing from experienced people. They can get a great deal of information and education from here. Do what you have to do to get the word out. Work with some tech-savvy people and give them free lifetime access to this site if they can help you to develop solid Apple and Android apps that feature this site.

    Please do not underestimate the power that you hold!!!

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