Adrev and YouTube's AudioSwap

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by ENW1.
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  • #22854

    AFAIK if you have your tracks on AdRev (I don’t ) they are automatically entered into YouTube’s AudioSwap system. This means that a YT video can use your music for absolutely nothing !!!! as long as they don’t mind the ads. Can someone clarify this , it seems like a very bad deal for composers.

    Art Munson


    Adrian Diaz

    Hi,well they follow the system but in youtube, so you still gain money for the synch music used from you, so its not free, is like you let youtube license it for you or help you put it on users reach, you gain money with this too.


    Hi,well they follow the system but in youtube, so you still gain money for the synch music used from you, so its not free, is like you let youtube license it for you or help you put it on users reach, you gain money with this too.

    Hi, how much do YT charge for the sync fee? My understanding is nothing, so for the YT user they get the music for free. What am I missing here ? Of course the composer makes their share from the AdRev side.

    Mark Lewis

    Youtube does not pay a synch fee for audioswap use.
    I think Adrian is just referring to the revenue from the ads that are placed on the video.

    Composer J

    I was a little surprised when I learned that AdRev music was automatically included in YouTube swap too, but you won’t lose any sales from this.

    The users this is available to are the ones who already used music that wasn’t allowed, i.e., they were never going to pay for music anyway. They can’t monetize their video so you get all the ad revenue. If you’re lucky that could be in the thousands. Most likely less.


    The users this is available to are the ones who already used music that wasn’t allowed, i.e., they were never going to pay for music anyway. They can’t monetize their video so you get all the ad revenue. If you’re lucky that could be in the thousands. Most likely less.

    Surely this is available to anyone who wants to use music, not just ones who are “caught”. The caveat is you lose the right to monetise the vid. That is taken by AdRev and the composer. So say I had a video and I didn’t care about an ad on it I would use this to get music for no synch fee rather than paying the synch fee to the library.


    When AdRev first appeared they said “someone” claimed copyright infringements on MY music in MY videos. I contested the claims with YouTube. AdRev backed down. Then, they pestered me with emails (a lot) trying to get me to sign-up. The concept of a service tracking use of my music is appealing but… AdRev just seems a bit sketchy. Until they convince me otherwise, I don’t want anything to do with them. Besides, what are you going to get from them? Fractions of pennies?

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