Advice for BMI omissions?

Home Forums PROs Advice for BMI omissions?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Advice.
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  • #22133

    Hey guys,

    Does anyone have any advice for getting BMI to make corrections for placements that they didn’t pay out on? I have heard a lot of people suggest to just wait until the next quarter to see if a placement shows up on the next statement, however I routinely have 10-15 new placements each quarter that BMI doesn’t include and rarely do they show up on the next statement. A lot of these placements are coming from JP and I have contacted them in the past but they didn’t really do much in helping me get them corrected. I have also spoken with a rep from BMI but saw no real effort in making the corrections. Is there a better way to go about this? Do I need to track down copies of the cue sheet to get an adjustment made and if so who would I need to contact to get a copy of the cue sheet? Would having Tunesat detections and/or video of the episode/production help? It is pretty frustrating to lose on such a big chunk of royalties quarter after quarter! Any advice would be appreciated!


    Art Munson

    This has been discussed here many times. Check out:

    Cue Sheet Success Stories

    Also use the search box in the upper right for either cue sheet, Tunesat, PRO, BMI, etc.

    Sean Clark

    If any of these placements are from the Scripps Network, then there is no payment for the composer.
    A pain that we all suffer from in the US if we work with certain companies.
    Otherwise…what Art said:)


    To what Sean said, first check if the placements were on Scripps channels. You can see which ones they are at:

    Unfortunately, most Scripps shows “direct license” and don’t participate with PROs. I get quite a few of these- not sure if from JP but I suspect at least some of them are. Also unfortunate is some libraries blanket license to Scripps shows and share none of that blanket fee with composers, not even a few pennies.

    If these shows air outside the US, you will get PRO money. But that will take a while (if ever) and depending on the country, could be very little money.

    If these placements were NOT on Scripps channels, then what Art said– that link.

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