Guilty until proven innocent

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    Hi after some advice here.

    I can’t mention the names of the companies at the moment, but here’s what has happened.

    I send my albums to a distribution company ( i.e. CD Baby etc.) and they get sent out Amazon, iTunes, Spotify etc.

    One of the companies which I get paid for streams of my music has pulled one of my albums and informed the distribution company they have detected streaming fraud on the album. Apparently a small number of users have streamed the album probably hundreds of thousand times maybe more? and this has set the alarm bells ringing.

    If this had gone unnoticed I’d have received a fair amount of money from the fake streams. The distribution company has advised if this occurs again they will close my account. I asked for some more info from them but they say this is something they cannot help me with and are on the streaming companies side.

    I’ve never committed a crime in my life, I’m so angry about this. The situation is completely beyond my control. Whether it’s kid hackers fooling around , someone malicious or well I don’t know what.

    As the distributor company won’t help, I guess I’ll have to contact the streaming company direct?

    If the same thing happens again I’ll lose my album sales and streaming income, which is small anyway.

    It seems unfair I will lose this income and effectively have my name dragged through the mud if this streaming fraud occurs again, over which I have no control.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


    I have no advice but I have a few tunes on Spotify that were placed there (not by me) and I found them by accident and saw the stream totals were higher than one would expect… a week later I looked and the the numbers were 12000 streams higher and I said, there ain’t no way people are streaming theses 4 songs that are less than 2 minutes long that many times… very fishy… I have actual songs that I put up and I’m sure I’m the only one who listens to them… Ha…

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