How do you spend library earnings on pleasure ?

Home Forums General Questions How do you spend library earnings on pleasure ?

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    Ok we are a bunch of happy souls who get the pleasure of making music and don’t get bogged down by image and all that non sense.

    So what do you indulge yourself in spending easy earnings on ?

    I have to say that it is not like earning money in an office or a full day in a supermarket checkout.

    The money was earnt from pleasure and I do find it easy to re spend the money on useless pleasurable things – I used to be tight when i worked 40hrs a week and was constantly down in an office.

    Ok so me this year useless pleasures ! (I am kinda solitary so do it to brighten my week)

    Ipad – so good

    Personal trainer at gym – so good and not often as it exp

    Elemis skin care – such anindulgence but I’m tryin to give up smoking and I figured it would help

    Sony wireless Internet tv – love it

    So those are a few things I bought that I don’t think I would have if it had been hard work.

    What I would like in future is a holiday to Japan for 2 weeks and a fake Rolex (Chinese vs)

    So over to you guys – any great purchases that you just wouldn’t have done if it had been earnt from ‘hard miserable back breaking work?’

    I know one guy who does v well exc and he bought a corvette sports car from states and brought it to uk ! I know he would never have done that if it wasn’t that he was a crazy happy nice guy.

    Ok – I know it’s off topic but hey πŸ˜‰ oh and you can’t include music purchases on this thread!


    I just also want to add do your thoughts also think in terms of lib music when you buy something ? I often go to supermarket now and think ohh I’ll have that exp jam or that piece of nice fish, and if I pause to think about it or worry at the till I do say to myself its fine I got that for free anyway. I find it’s a really nice way to look at it. I ve always had an unhealhy view of money as ugly and now I no longer see ia that way and for first time kind of enjoy it and am much more carefree (and no this isn’tabout being bling ) – we can lead solitary life’s and we work weird hours so was just wondering if others felt the same as me.


    I have to tell you, I do some really crazy stuff with my earnings………I save the majority of it. Haha

    Even if writing/producing is my biggest passion and I enjoy doing it, work is work for me. That is time taken away from spending with family, girlfriend, friends, etc. But then again I have never been a guy to go blow my money just because I have it.

    Is this the same adam with the Pond5 problem and the recent $350 JP payout?


    Yes it is me , for the first 1 half years I saved also, then I went on this date and I really tried to impress the girl, and I ended up spending money on her [Removed by moderator. Please keep it clean!] – then when it ended I thought no way what was I doing spending money on her and not me ! So since then I’ve indulged myself a lot ( I haven’t got many overheads in my life at mo and library money does kind of feel free money as its not like when you make like a jumper for sale and once it’s sold it’s gone and you have to knit another – you get to resell the track again πŸ™‚ on and on.

    Im in no way succesful in lib music – but I realised this year after saving I may as well start spending and the purchases are so much nicer than when I worked and hated what I did.

    Michael Nickolas

    We’re a duel income no children family here. We save of course but I’m a private pilot and for pleasure we spend what we can on flying. It’s a great hobby.


    Nespresso coffee machine !!!!


    Liking the nespreso machine – defo a library indulgence ! πŸ™‚


    It depends on what interest rate I have to pay back my (earnings) with!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

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