How long before re-submitting to exclusives?

Home Forums General Questions How long before re-submitting to exclusives?

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  • #14655 Reply

    Hi All! I’ve submitted to a few of the bigger exclusive libraries, and though I’ve received responses from many, there are some, that I never got a response from? My question is, how long do you wait before re-submitting? Do you re-submit to libraries even after rejections? If so, how long? I’ve had some decent success with some non-exclusives, and have recently been writing exclusive cues, as I am trying to take it to the next level. Thanks in advance!!

    #14659 Reply
    Chuck Mott

    Someone had suggested 3-4 times a year elsewhere and is a rule of thumb I’ve used. Some libraries say “Submit whenever”….if they don’t say that specifically I go with the former.

    #14660 Reply
    Del Boi

    I guarantee that you will annoy the bigger exclusive libraries if you send them stuff 3-4 times a year and anything you send will go straight in the bin. As it usually does anyway. Most of the bigger libraries don’t listen to unsolicited stuff.

    #14661 Reply

    If you got an actual rejection email, you could ask if it would be OK to submit other tracks. It’s tougher when you get the “no news is bad news” response. In that case, I probably wouldn’t contact them again in that case for at least 6 months, maybe a year. And if you do, make sure you have significantly different material.

    BTW, there never is a perfect one-size-fits-all answer since each situation will vary.

    #14662 Reply

    Thanks for all of the reponses. I was thinking 6 months-year for “no response” libraries, so it sounds like we are mostly on the same page. Most rejections weren’t “we didn’t like your music” but more like “we don’t have anything like that planned at this time…etc.” (Which may actually mean “we’re definitely never interested!” hehe!)

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