Another thing id like to ask pertaining to the topic, I’ve reached out to some of the PMA libraries and gotten a few replies stating they dont need new material now and to revisit them beginning of next year. would that be subtext as a “brush off?” is it a seasonal thing for some?
That is actually truth for a lot of the Libraries, and they probably did mean exactly that. If a Library gave you the “Brush Off” you simply won’t hear from them..
nice guys over there at audiosparx. they were the first library that took in my music which gave me a great level of confidence. might be worth taking up their offer Boinkee.
I will second that Lee, and the team over there seem like nice people. I am new to AudioSparx (since July) but they seem to be very prompt in responding to whatever the concern is. I decided to go for “The Exclusive Artist” offer to see what benefits it holds. I am optimistic for great things to take place, and will report my findings.