Jumped ship on 35%

Home Forums Share It! Jumped ship on 35%

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  • #9676
    Glen Petersen

    Hey all,

    Today I sent in my resignation to a RF library that recently changed their payout policy to 35% from 50%. They will pay 50% for “Exclusive” representation but 35% for non-exclusive representation. I will not contribute to the downward spiral of prices paid to artists for their intellectual property. Please join in with me. Nor will I take it lightly that I originally signed on for 50% NON EXCLUSIVE, and this suddenly morphed into 35% without any notice.  I know I can not state the name of this site/ publisher/ catalog…but perhaps many of you can figure it out.  Please think about joining in with me by doing the same : Pull Out!

    We can control the splits. We can simply say no. I did today, not just for me, but for all doing this work.




    Art Munson

    Hi Glen,

    Please e-mail me using the contact form and we will get it under the right listing.



    did an email go out about this or should I check my RF sites?


    I think I know what company you are referring to.

    This deal is not the best, but it is far from the worst. I actually would choose this deal since it is non-exclusive. I would choose it because I know that receiving license fees is highly unlikely anyway.

    This company does blanket licenses for almost all of their deals.


    @Glen…if you wouldn’t mind,please send me PM  (to MichaelL) with the name of the library. I’d like to know who it is before I waste my time (or much more of my time).




    I don’t understand why you cant tell us the name of the library? This is where we can discuss such matters openly surely!

    We cant “join in with you” if we don’t know the details!


    Mark Lewis

    Hi Soph-
    Art has a rule that we are not allowed to discuss specific music libraries in the open forum. It is important to add the comments on specific libraries to their MLR library pages so that MLR subscribers can find them and more importantly so it will add to and retain the value of the great product Art is creating here.


    Art Munson

    @soph: What Mark Lewis said.

    I don’t know about you but I find it frustrating to go on to open forums and find information scattered all over the place. Threads get hi-jacked quickly (hey, I just did that myself!) and they usually deteriorate. I asked the original poster (Glen) to e-mail me the library in question so we could post his concerns in that library’s listing. Still waiting to hear from Glen.

    Hope you can understand and appreciate what we are trying to do here.



    Glen Petersen

    I just sent Art an e-mail indicating which library made this sudden shift from 50% to 35%. What makes it soo sleezy is that they claimed to have sent out a notice that their pay out policy will change, yet I never received this notification? Isn’t this bordering on breach of contract? If I originally up-loaded under the terms of 50%,  I should remain at 50% forever….

    Art Munson

    Thanks Glen but haven’t seen an e-mail yet. Try music[at]munsonLLC[dot]com

    Replace the bracketed text with the real characters.

    Thanks again!

    B Minus

    Sure seems dubious to me – as you said, you have a contract so how can they just change that? And not getting the notification really is pushing it too.

    As for Art and charging for the library listings part of this website – I don’t think he should be ashamed of it at all. The profit motive has made this site what it is, and there’s nothing else like it out there. If anything I’d be more open about it, though it can be difficult sometimes.

    When I have some cash I’m going to buy a lifetime. Actually – sorry to go offtopic, but what’s in place for the site if something happens to you Art? Also, sorry to be so morbid!

    Art Munson

    @B Minus: “but what’s in place for the site if something happens to you Art? Also, sorry to be so morbid!”

    LOL! That did make me laugh as I was just sitting here complaining about aches and pains to Robin! Actually I have thought about that and have one particular person in mind that I’ve already spoken with. In any event I’m planning for at least another 30 years on this planet!

    B Minus

    Glad you got a laugh out of it! And also glad that you’ve got it worked out, and that you have plenty of years left 🙂


    If you’re talking about the library I think you are, they sent out that email on 3/25/13.

    I would imagine they have some sort of clause in their contract that basically says they have the right to make changes at any given time for whatever reason they choose.

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