MLR & Types of Libraries

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    There may be no answer to this and it’s not a complaint.
    One thing I’d like to see MLR have is better separation/distinction regarding types of libraries which for the **most part** are: RF, broadcast (reality TV cues), and higher end vocal songs/instrumentals (Film/TV, ads). I know the lines are sometimes blurred and one certainly could debate the categories. Not looking to debate that, it’s just a reference example.
    MLR discussions are very mixed such that people will be talking about “sales” (RF) while others are talking about “placements”.
    If a newbie comes here, just learning about music libraries, that can be very overwhelming. And it does sometimes make it harder for more experienced folks.
    The search mechanism filters do work well but I wonder how many people use them? And sometimes discussions on the forum, even though they generally don’t mention specific libraries, get a bit mixed too.
    Anyway, just brainstorming off the top of my head, not complaining, but wondering if anyone else has thoughts on this. And Art, I know quite well how no matter what you do you can’t please everyone and many things are just not practical. Nothing here should be interpreted as being non-appreciative for this site. Have a great 2020, all!

    Art Munson

    One thing I’d like to see MLR have is better separation/distinction regarding types of libraries which for the **most part** are: RF, broadcast (reality TV cues), and higher end vocal songs/instrumentals (Film/TV, ads). I know the lines are sometimes blurred and one certainly could debate the categories.

    I agree that would be ideal but the lines do get blurred and there would most likely be debate on who goes where.

    sometimes discussions on the forum, even though they generally don’t mention specific libraries, get a bit mixed too.

    Yep, moderating them and keeping things on track is a challenge.

    Nothing here should be interpreted as being non-appreciative for this site.

    Not a problem. Always looking for ways to make MLR better!

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