MTV Royalty Rate drop?

Home Forums PROs MTV Royalty Rate drop?


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    Hi all. I’ve got a back catalogue of stuff used on MTV shows still on heavy airplay in the US. I’m wondering if any of you have seen a drop in royalty rates from the US in general, but specifically from MTV US. Cues which used to pay $three figures are now paying $single figures. This has been going on for around the last 12 months/4 PRS statements.

    I’m wondering if this might be a hangover from Covid related difficulties and they might be about to go back up? My understanding is that MTV still pays approx $35pm at Primetime, but I can’t marry up those figures with my statements.

    Anyone have any insight here? Any info gratefully received!


    Art Munson


    NY Composer

    I hope not. I haven’t noticed any trend on my BMI statements.

    MTV happens to to be one of the better paying junk Cable networks.

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