Posting Video Clips Containing Your Music For Promotional Use

Home Forums General Questions Posting Video Clips Containing Your Music For Promotional Use

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    Hi, I have recently had some placements on a TV show that is broadcast on Telemundo and they have been posting clips that include my music on youtube. I was wondering what options were for using clips to promote on your own website and social feeds. I have shared some of the youtube clips but at some point, I am sure that the TV network will delete them to make room for a new TV show down the line. I can download the clips using software but is it ok to use those downloaded clips for my website? or can I reach out to the network to access clips and permission to use them? any advice would be greatly received.

    Many Thanks.


    Hi Mason805
    I think I had a similar situation a few years ago. I had a placement on Ugly Betty and a few other series and thought I should contact the producers of Ugly Betty to start. It was Fox television. I got through to the right department (I’m in the UK) and explained that I wished to use a clip from the episode containing my song. It was not for me to profit in any way but just to showcase my work.
    The lady I spoke to immediately quoted me $1000 for 1 year’s usage (I think).she seemed to be expecting me to put forward a counter offer. I ended the call and went ahead and used the clip anyway (without paying anything).
    For me there was no comeback or demand for payment, BTW this was just for my website not for YouTube etc. That could be a different story re take downs etc.
    I’m not advocating not paying but in reality it is a lot of money to pay just to showcase my own song for no direct profit.
    Hope this is helpful. Cheers. JD

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