Recovering PRO money from ASCAP with Tunesat Info

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    Yes, congrats Musicmatters.

    But, as Advice said backend payments are several quarters behind usage. I would not start contacting libraries and CNN until you see your next royalty statement.

    The backend may be only a few dollars (or even cents). When busy people get chased for $5 they don’t like it, and it makes you look desperate.


    Thanks for your reply, advice. The way i have set up things is that i have the free account with tunesat and have uploaded those tracks which i have on my RF sites, these same tracks are with a few NE libraries but are all retitled in those libraries (as expected). For this reason i am quite certain that it was from a RF site. I will contact the sites but i dont expect a response, any suggestions on how to contact the producers of the show. Thanks again Advice for your kind advice.. cheers


    The backend may be only a few dollars (or even cents). When busy people get chased for $5 they don’t like it, and it makes you look desperate.

    I’m with MichaelL on this. Contacting the producers (or a library!) this soon after a placement airs is an amateur move and not how you want to come across to anyone. This is a business of patience and moving on to the next cue! Sure, make sure you log the info and continue to monitor the usage so that if you aren’t paid many months down the road you can follow-up but I definitely would not try and contact someone right away. Congrats on the spot.


    MichaelL and bradymusico, wise words… i am disappointed that the backend would be so little. Network TV i would have thought more. Not worth chasing down IMO Thanks to all for the feedback


    Thanks for your reply, advice. The way i have set up things is that i have the free account with tunesat and have uploaded those tracks which i have on my RF sites, these same tracks are with a few NE libraries but are all retitled in those libraries (as expected). For this reason i am quite certain that it was from a RF site. I will contact the sites but i dont expect a response, any suggestions on how to contact the producers of the show. Thanks again Advice for your kind advice.. cheers

    Tunesat cannot ID which library a placement came from and titles they show are meaningless- they are whatever title you used when you uploaded the track to them. They use audio ID fingerprinting– all they know is what audio was detected.

    So if you had the track in multiple libraries, it’s anyone’s guess.

    I would just wait and see if a cue sheet shows up within 6-9 months.

    I’m not sure the PRO money will be THAT tiny. A few broadcasts on CNN might do OK. We’d have to ask others who had CNN placements how they did. I wouldn’t assume the money to be trivial though (Disclaimer: No personal experience with CNN placements). Also, since this may be the first time aired, you don’t even know if there is a license fee. You don’t always find that out for a while.

    Deep breath. Nothing is quick in this biz. πŸ™‚


    I wouldn’t assume the money to be trivial though (Disclaimer: No personal experience with CNN placements).

    I have had CNN placements. I’m not retired. πŸ˜‰

    Like everything else, it depends on the use. If your cue is the theme to a new show that airs every day for weeks, or years, book that island vacation. If it was 20 seconds of BG in a story that aired a few times, go out to dinner (at Appleby’s).

    Also, since this may be the first time aired, you don’t even know if there is a license fee.

    I believe he said it came from an RF library, so there would be the “sale” price (unless it was a music cult gratis license).


    Also, since this may be the first time aired, you don’t even know if there is a license fee.

    I believe he said it came from an RF library, so there would be the “sale” price (unless it was a music cult gratis license).

    It was unclear what library placed it as far as I can tell. He said it was also in NE libraries. I mentioned above that Tunesat can’t ID anything but the audio; It can’t tell what library.


    PS Since the PRO money depends so much on use, I didn’t want to make assumptions that it’s just Starbucks money until all the facts are in.


    Advice, thanks for enlightening me that titles are meaningless for tunesat, that really changes everything… i am just going to get back to work now and forget about this for a few months but it is frustrating not knowing who made the placement… still brightens up my day just the same πŸ™‚


    it is frustrating not knowing who made the placement

    It’s a small sacrifice for the ability to put our tracks in multiple NE libraries. It’s kinda hard to complain about it when you step back. πŸ˜‰

    MOST of the time, a cue sheet shows up at your PRO and you find out then. If you are with ASCAP, you see on-line cue sheets so it will be really easy. If I had to make a guess, it’s more likely that one of your conventional NE libraries made this placement. While it’s not impossible that a CNN show picked it up off an RF site, it’s less likely.




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