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  • #12226
    Art Munson

    @MarkL. Yes, very impressive. Had no idea.

    Art Munson

    Because forum posts, at times, do not correctly convey a person’s tone, I have deleted a number of snarky posts on this thread.

    Please think twice before posting!


    @Mark, I dug a little and found your soundclick. Many interesting tracks you have here. Have you got any favorite? I mean on personal level, as an artist choice?
    I am curious to hear also those that you made on the blockbusters: The Postman (Don’t tell me you did the little country cue when everybody dances, I absolutely love this part!), X-Men, Titanic, U571 etc…

    Mark Lewis

    Hi Edouardo
    I don’t have a soundclick account that I am aware.
    Just to be clear, I didn’t do any of the music or sound effects for the films listed in my IMDB.
    I did the computer generated visual effects. I worked in New Zealand directly with Peter Jackson on the films themselves, nothing to do with sound.
    I actually created the shots that you visually see in the movies. I was a compositing supervisor that created shots, developed looks, created 3D environments, etc.
    I retired from that profession in 2006, moved to Spain, and started my internet businesses.


    Sorry, the easy answer to your question is, my wife and I love living in Barcelona more than anywhere else in the world. That is the only reason we live here.

    PS- here’s my demo reel for the Jackson movies


    Awesome demo reel Mark! Very amazing accomplishment, great work!

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