Short Cue Question…

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    Referring to short mixes of full tracks…

    Using different sections of a full track to create short cues, is it preferable to keep the present volume level of the original track, or should I make adjustments depending on the volume level of the section used.  For instance… the first short cue I made was taken from a soft volume level of the full track. Should I raise the volume on this short cue, or keep it the same as in the original full track?


    Thanks, John 🙂


    Art Munson

    I tend to keep mine the same. My thinking is that if a client edited different sections together there would be a better level match. But I could be all wet. Also, there could be no “right” answer.


    ” For instance… the first short cue I made was taken from a soft volume level of the full track. ”

    Soft volume level?????!!!!

    Geez..John…dynamics ar so last millennium!  Next thing you’ll be telling us that you use melody and harmony too!!!!! 😆


    “Geez..John…dynamics ar so last millennium!  Next thing you’ll be telling us that you use melody and harmony too!!!!! ” – MichaelL

    Yeah, I must have lost my mind for a moment. If one wants tracks to fit into today’s market, then compress the heck out of ’em. 😀  What’s melody and harmony. Never heard of those terms Michael.


    ” What’s melody and harmony. Never heard of those terms Michael.”


    Stay away from the 5 note chords, and you’ll be safe. 😉


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