SoundCloud as promotional vehicle?

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    I use SC only for making playlists to send to potential clients / libraries etc.

    “You can also create a set for that particular library and order the tracks in the set however you want. You can make it private and send them the link.”

    Yes this is spot on. Also making playlists by genre is helpful.


    soundcloud is finished.

    Participant is the future

    Its HALF the price that soundcloud charges for a pro membership.
    The profiles are customizeable
    It also has a bigger waveform display, with comments

    It is the ONLY platform of its kind that allows you, if you want, to stream at full lossless 24bit wav quality. When you compare that to soundclouds archaic 128kb/s mp3, the choice is clear.

    It also has “groups”, which soundcloud took the hatchet to months ago, making it impossible to send music to likeminded people

    Soundcloud are treading water right now. They just sacked 140 staff. That is not a business that’s doing well. This time next year soundcloud will be history.

    Art Munson

    I have my entire catalog up on SoundCloud, and it has worked very well in a couple new libraries finding me, or for them to listen to tracks to get an idea of what I do. Most, however,want you to submit tracks to them via their library to audition. I have had over 18,000 plays on SoundClound in the 3 years I have been on.

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