Sports backend

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  • #27775

    Have you guys found in general that backend for sports shows doesn’t pay as well as other placements? Why is that?

    NY Composer


    Are you talking network or Cable? I find that network sports pays quite well.


    Kind of wondering about both. I’ve only had cues used on cable sports channels like CBS Sports Network. Wasn’t extremely pleased with the backend.

    NY Composer

    Hard to say. I find that anything on Cable pays like crap unless it is syndicated and repeated. I wish it would happen more to my stuff 🙂

    NY Composer

    30 seconds of my Orchestral piece on NBC Sports Mecum Auto auction paid about 7 bucks.

    I will take you out for a steak after it’s repeated about 80 times.


    I’ve had placements on Big Ten Network which I believe is lower tier cable but a combination of one time airings during games and their daily shows specifically The B1G Show & BTN Live which repeat up to a dozen times or more a day cumulatively in a quarter its added up to hundreds of dollars.


    Big Ten Network is surveyed by ASCAP, so if you’re lucky and your music shows up on that one day they decide to choose as the survey day, you do pretty nicely. If not, nada. BMI doesn’t do this – they pay a very small per minute rate.

    Most network sports games pay decent day time rates. Local / regional sports air time shows up near the back of your statement where the per minute rates are nickels and dimes.


    yeah i have heard of numbers such as $150 per minute for the free to air channels ABC, CBS etc. but that would probably be primetime slots.

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