TV Mechanical Rights !?

Home Forums General Questions TV Mechanical Rights !?

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    first of all I want to thank you for offering this forum and all who are supporting it. This is my first post, but I work for libraries for 10+ years. I have a question regarding Mechanical Rights. Recently I recieved from Crucial Music this email:
    “CrucialMusic has decided to join a handful of foreign Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) outside the United States in order to receive more timely and accurate publishers’ shares of performance royalties from the foreign PROs by bypassing ASCAP/BMI/SESAC. In addition, in territories where there are separate Mechanical Rights Organizations (MROs), we will be joining them as well in order to collect the publishers’ shares of broadcast mechanicals collected in the foreign territory, but not received at this time. Broadcast (or TV) mechanicals do not exist in the United States, therefore there is no US MRO to receive the collections, and ASCAP/BMI/SESAC are not allowed to receive this money from the foreign MROs.
    We have recently updated our “performing rights” language in Articles 1.1b, 1.1c and 5.4 of the contract to legally cover our ability to
    collect directly from the foreign PROs and the separate MROs; affecting
    contracts issued after November 15, 2017. In order for us to collect
    our publishers’ shares of broadcast mechanicals on registered Licensed
    Works from contracts issued previous to November 15, 2017, we need for
    you to sign the e-contract which is an amendment to your original
    By signing the Second Amendment to the Limited Licensing Agreement you understand and agree:

    1. Crucial will register Licensed Work(s) (i.e. Catalog number plus title) directly with the foreign PROs and separate MROs with your writer or co-writer info and our publishing info.
    2. In cases where we are required to collect the writer’s share of Broadcast and DVD (if applicable) mechanicals by the foreign PRO and MRO, Crucial will collect and pay you 100% of the writer’s share of mechanicals without incurring an administration fee.

    This should be ok to sign, shouldn’t it? What I am wondering, I do have also tracks with another library (Scorekeepers) and it looks like they did the same with my catalog. I am registered in UK and when I log into my PRO account I noticed that the MCPS flag is active on many tracks for at least 2 years, BUT I haven’t recieved any money from them. All tracks are registered with a UK company and they receive 100% MCPS Share… . Is it right? This is just so confusing… Any advise deeply apreciated.

    Best for now,

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