When It Rains It Pours

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  • #31780
    NY Composer

    Hey Guys,

    I’m very grateful to have received 5 briefs in one day, after a few weeks with no briefs.

    It’s always interesting to see a 6 day deadline for Organic (Live band) tracks. I mean let’s take into account the song isn’t written yet. Then, if you don’t play EVERY instrument, you wait for your piano player buddy, then you write the song, track everything precisely, and then mix it down. That’s cutting it close.

    I’m also trying to take into account: Do I go with the proven placement Lib or do I get my feet wet with the newer Libs that I haven’t tried yet?

    Anyone with similar experiences?


    ive had times where a track was meant for an excl brief but after it was finished had a change of heart and ended up spreading it across NonEx RF & Traditional libs…the ownership issue is such a dilemna for me

    NY Composer

    Yeah Boinkeee,

    I hear you. I’ve had some briefs that didn’t make the cut, only to be sent to another publisher, who placed it on TV a month later. Go figure.

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