Why do companies not like telling info on placements

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    Stand for something. People that think your way change never happens cause of fear. I have no fear in change.
    When change comes all the composers who did nothing on the sidelines, will reap the benefits of those that stuck their necks.

    The problem is that I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t understand where all the anger and pseudo-revolutionary talk is coming from. It is possible to do very well in this business, by being good at what you do, being prolific and having some business sense. What’s all the drama about?


    Michael L:

    The problem is that I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t understand where all the anger and pseudo-revolutionary talk is coming from. It is possible to do very well in this business, by being good at what you do, being prolific and having some business sense. What’s all the drama about?

    I think wherever BIGG may ROME, drama follows. πŸ˜‰

    Mark Lewis

    “Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

    ” I don’t understand where all the anger and pseudo-revolutionary talk is coming from.”

    I wish MLR could have a meet-up sometime. The intelligence level here seems to be generally higher than in other forums. Might be cool to hang out for an evening.


    I wish MLR could have a meet-up sometime. The intelligence level here seems to be generally higher than in other forums. Might be cool to hang out for an evening.

    Great idea. Your continent or mine? πŸ˜€

    I’ll be setting up Skype, when we get settled. (whenever and wherever that may be!)


    First the revolution will not be televised

    What do guys want to just complain about libraries are actually do something. That is the point.

    To figure out the things that is wrong and correct them. That’s the whole point of Music Library reporting.

    Getting on one accord and changing things for the better of all composers.
    I think the people that ‘kick back’ on this talk are people that rarely get placements, so they may feel luck has something to do with their placement count. IDK.

    If trouble follows me like advice said, then why did the company respond with my request after showing them, it is fair for to the composer to know.
    If it was up to you guys, I would have never known anything.

    Mark Lewis

    We will be living in Los Angeles from Dec 3rd to April 28th (our Big LA Adventure)
    We could even do it at our place near downtown LA if anyone is interested. It’s a huge place with a giant patio with unbelievable 360 views of LA, a grand piano, amps, everything needed for a jam session, plus other cool LA musicians, BBQ, etc.
    I often do really weird things so I would totally do this.

    @Bigg Rome
    “To figure out the things that is wrong and correct them. That’s the whole point of Music Library reporting.”

    The point of MLR is to point out your experiences with certain libraries. A business has every right to choose how they themselves do business. If you do not like how they do business you should not do business with them. Simple as that.


    That is a great quote to describe this thread, lol.


    That is what I did, told my experience with a library.
    I asked people for their experience, then made my opinion, then the library responded and fixed the error.

    By reporting it here, it gives a blueprint now to newbies and other on what to do if this situation occurs.

    Now I am a troublemaker? So be it.
    I don’t understand you guys logic at all.

    Mark Lewis

    @Bigg Rome

    do you want to come to my party?


    @ Mark. Sounds like a great place. And I thought that you can’t make money from RF libraries! At least that’s what they
    say here. πŸ˜‰


    All I have to go on is my experience.

    Whether it is universal, has nothing to do with, sharing that experience.
    That is for the reader to decide.

    Future Forward Thinking is how I been able to be successful thus far.
    That what I go by,


    @BIGG ROME. No worries. We all come from different places. Do what works for you.

    Maybe I’ll meet you at Mark’s party. Just don’t throw me in the pool! πŸ˜€


    BIGG ROME, please. Music is not sacred. Even motart music got to public domain 70 years after he die.
    We are talking about production music, this is just a building block to a whole production, this is not some a one in a life time experience.
    If you cant understand biz, dont be in it. This is how it goes everywhere. S**t happens, peace.


    If you cant understand biz, dont be in it. This is how it goes everywhere. S**t happens, peace.

    WOW! Was that really necessary? Being rude isn’t cool.


    a nonsense talk at all lately dudes…. not good ! πŸ™

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