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  • in reply to: Music Production Video Links And Tips #28695

    I have seen some really good tutorials. The only thing is “They want you to join a paid subscription after showing you a few really well done basics..”

    If I might. There is this guy from Texas, that has one on YouTube where he “took the mystery out of The Circle of Fifths!!”

    Once again though, it leads to a paid subscription..

    in reply to: Lend me your Ears!…Please? lol #28691

    You are too kind! I am humbled! (bows head)

    in reply to: Lend me your Ears!…Please? lol #28689

    Thank you Brother LA!! Just getting them solid, and ready to go “To Market”

    You don’t like my abrupt ending? I was trying for my (Seinfeld episode) “Beat Nazi approach”..



    in reply to: Lend me your Ears!…Please? lol #28687

    Hope you don’t mind Brother LA. I sent you a couple of attachments in your PM

    in reply to: Lend me your Ears!…Please? lol #28685

    Good Attitude!

    in reply to: NBA Channel #28682

    Congratulations Brother Kubed!!

    in reply to: Lend me your Ears!…Please? lol #28681

    LAWriter, my friend. You mean it is not alright to rotate my textures? I guess I’m just back to only rotating My Hips.. Party Pooper! 8-P

    in reply to: NBA Channel #28678

    Good morning Alan, I can’t speak for ASCAP (SESAC here) but I have a feeling you will get a bigger Computer!

    Look at it this way as well. This will lead you to even bigger things by “listing your placements for other Libraries/Catalogs to see!!”

    Congratulations, and keep it moving!!

    in reply to: DOn't know why this should be a trade secret….. #28675

    Honestly, I don’t play my cards close to my chest. I have been more than happy to share names.

    One of the companies I am with is Universal/UPPM. I got in through my deal with BUG, that turned into BMG; that turned into Universal. Also, being with SESAC, and a PMA member has helped out quite considerably!!

    Art, I hope that didn’t go off topic, or become an advertisement. I just gear a lot that no-one mentions companies that they are having success with. I am an independent composer, are not advertising; and in no way am I recommending. Just simply answering the question, and telling “a part/fraction of my story..”

    in reply to: DOn't know why this should be a trade secret….. #28671

    Music1234. I believe what you are saying to be the truth!

    Sounds more like an excuse that someone would use, rather than being a legitimate business practice.

    If your Music/Cues/Tracks are really good, your doors and opportunities open greatly regardless of your participation in multiple ways to earn revenue.

    Is there an “PRF” Police, that scour all the Stock Music Sites just to see if you are personally there?

    I think I will just say no, and only answer incriminating questions after I’ve made your company some serious bread!! Hahahaha

    in reply to: DOn't know why this should be a trade secret….. #28669

    WOW! Could this be possible to be excluded from Library consideration due to having content in “PRF” Libraries?

    I am with some very high end exclusives, and I have never heard of this. Could this possibly be just something that is on a case by case basis?

    Also, there are many libraries, would this even matter if a “select hand full are not accepting RF Library contributors?”

    I would love to know what companies are on this list!

    in reply to: Best Library to start? #28662

    Hello Los. Hit me with a PM..

    in reply to: Best Library to start? #28658

    Good work Salvatoré!!

    All sound good, but “A Comic Gangster” is My Jam!!

    Rather than get everyone mad here. Send me a PM, and I will give you a few suggestions.

    All The Best!

    in reply to: Spike TV payouts? #28653

    I never know. It depends on WAY too many circumstances that it seems they cook up just to not pay you what you are really owed..

    Was it day, night, prime, network, on the pill, pulled out, etc..

    Just bow your chest out, be glad you are making some headway; and get ready to put your EPK together for The Majors!!

    Congratulations my friend, and I wish you MANY, MANY more!!

    in reply to: Seeking guidance on starting a new library #28646

    Good day to all!
    Not being a pessimist. but I would say a couple of things..
    Just like in any industry, you have to create a demand; rather than having a demand(s) What have you done so far with your “Startup/Library/Catalog” that would make a larger Music Library Distribution Chain want you?

    As well as there are a ton of composers/writers looking for upper/top tier music libraries; I believe that there would be a lot of Libraries looking for a Sonoton, APM, Sony, UPPM, etc..

    Not saying that this applies to you; but just saying in general.. I think one of the biggest things that has been taking place a lot lately is “People are too busy going for the winners circle; without putting in the really hard work that it takes to deserve to be there..”

    Being from the music side, and still living in that world as well as the production music world. I would give this advice..

    If you are in 10 Exclusive Libraries, and are looking to branch out. Check with the libraries you are already with. See if they will cut you either a distribution deal; or your own series of “CD’s/Imprint with your company name” (Music Candy, Big Dog, etc..) You are going to have put in a LOT of work, build your brand, and become a major competitor to attract the Larger Distribution Channels.

    Having, and deserving a rightful place at the dinner table. You can’t come with just a appetite, and a Knife & Fork..

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