Composer Of Notes

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  • in reply to: Royalty Exchange #30432
    Composer Of Notes

    One bump to see if anyone has heard of this or not. Art?

    in reply to: What is your blueprint library work that you know? #30365
    Composer Of Notes

    Thanks Art for the info and knowledge. Being a kybd player, I heard the first chord I call it D add9. The second chord stumped me due to the missing 3rd because I think keyboard players don’t do that as much (unless it’s a sus).
    Anyway I do have a couple signature type tracks that have done well for me. These were two of the very first tracks I wrote when getting in to production music almost 10 years ago. They’ve been on dozens of shows and other uses.
    Scroll down a bit to the JAZZ section of the page and hear 3 O’Clock Bump and 1920’s Jazz.

    Eric Bolvin Music Listening Room

    in reply to: What is your blueprint library work that you know? #30351
    Composer Of Notes

    Real nice Art; I think I have heard it. What is the second chord?
    And I’m thinking since it is on your personal library that all the placements have been non-exclusive. Would you be so kind as to tell us what libraries have placed this piece?

    in reply to: Top 10 Non exclusives #30226
    Composer Of Notes

    OK. I’ll throw out a few that are still NE that have placed me.
    Score Keepers
    Coney Island

    in reply to: Composers and artists themselves destroy the business. #29852
    Composer Of Notes

    Of course. However, the bottom will always be there, weather we participate or not.
    Don’t get me wrong, I won’t leave the house for less than $100, but if you want to help people, then help them. Telling them not to do something so you will profit from it is not helping.

    in reply to: Composers and artists themselves destroy the business. #29838
    Composer Of Notes

    There was a cat in town who would say that no one should ever do a gig for less than $100 and he would admonish those who did take those lower paying gigs.
    I’ll tell you the same thing I told him.
    Get me the gig that pays more and I’ll take it.

    in reply to: A copy is a copy if it sounds like a copy! #29711
    Composer Of Notes

    Maybe if he hadn’t called it Eminem Esque no one would have paid attention!

    in reply to: Anyone with experience with Spotify? #29568
    Composer Of Notes

    It’s probably a library that you work for releasing a cd. I’m surprised more people aren’t getting these. I get them weekly and have been for years. Doesn’t add up to much bread but that’s another topic.

    Composer Of Notes

    I keep a spreadsheet of all my cue sheets, then I total each letter. So I have 12 series that begin with A for example. I count the number of cue sheets that begin with A. If it matches, I move to B.

    in reply to: Learning saxophone…. #28479
    Composer Of Notes

    It’s doable. I’m a trumpet/piano player although I’ve been playing my whole life. My suggestion is Get a teacher! With wind instruments it’s very easy to develop bad habits that may take months or years to correct.
    And sax is probably the easiest instrument out there and so many of the pop and rock and smooth jazz players really don’t sound that good anyway. So you don’t have to be Coltrane to pull off smooth jazz and production music.

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