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  • in reply to: Composing for indie projects – How much to charge? #19526

    Personally I break it down into 2 groups exclusively and non-exclusively. If the client wants to be the only one that uses the music I charge around 1200 a minute, but if I can re-use the music like put it out there as stock music I charge around 700. That is pretty generic though, and if there is a project that I really want to work on maybe a film that I really like or a video game, I’d be more then happy to make it work. I’ve heard a few times through the grapevine that the music budget should be roughly 5% of the overall budget, and I go by that as a starting spot.

    So for example if there is an indie horror flick or something I like and they really need music, but can’t afford it. I will ask them well what is their budget for the movie, and then try to work out a fair price from there.

    There are always going to be potential projects out there where they want a custom piece of music for like practically nothing. I tell them that is what stock music is for. I really suggest to a lot of musicians out there not to take the bait of just trying to make some music for practically nothing because for one it’s your time, your gear, your experience and that has value. Two more then likely the person on the other end is just playing hard ball, and if you don’t negotiate strong they will not respect you and bottom line is they are making something that they want to get maximum profits on themselves.

    Last but not least the ones that just want the cheapest stuff are a lot of the times the hardest people to work for, and will eat up a lot of your time. Sometimes you have to be willing to walk away from something that just isn’t worth your time. That’s like a confidence thing, and something you develop over time but it’s something important to focus on.

    in reply to: The MLR Fmaily #19078

    I agree, I check out MLR every day to see whats going on. It’s so nice to be able to connect with others that are doing this work because at times it can feel pretty lonely in the real world when you try to talk to people about what your doing. People just kind of look at you like, licensing, exclusive/non-exclusive, re-titling, PRO’s, what in the world is this guy talking about. Best wishes for everyone and I hope you all have a record breaking 2015!

    in reply to: Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals Post Them Here #18799

    Wavesfactory is offering 50% off on all purchases.

    in reply to: Crowdfunding for Musicians #18619

    That is awesome Art, very inspirational on what is possible.

    in reply to: The Library Business #18404

    Nice, thanks for sharing that. Very entertaining.

    in reply to: Royalty Free Sites – Are Your Sales Increasing? #17515

    For me, sales are up from a year ago but my sales are starting to get stagnant over July and now part of August. I am hoping that this is just seasonal, but over the past 6 months I’ve started to re-focus on building up my own site to license music and break more into the television market instead of the corporate/advertising market. So I think switching gears a little bit has something to do with the sales leveling off. Hopefully it’s short term pain, long term gain, but you never know. I guess it’s just important to stay on top of what the market is doing and to keep making music.

    Personally my 6 month goal is to sign with an exclusive pma library, cut out all but maybe 3 non-exclusive libraries, focus heavily on my own site with exclusive music, and drum up more custom work.

    in reply to: How to Get Proteus VX to Work in FL Studio #17503

    No problem

    in reply to: Mixing a library track….. #17456

    Same here, I mix as I go, and once the arrangement is finished, I’ll go through and tighten it up.

    in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Aereo's Streaming #17380

    +1 Guscave

    in reply to: Indie Rock-ish — Critique Please #17204

    I would assume you’d just download the plug-in and save it to your VST folder in ptools. It should open up when you load it and use it on your drum bus channel. Unless I am not understanding your setup right.

    in reply to: Indie Rock-ish — Critique Please #17203

    Here is a link to it:

    Maybe helpful to do a little research to find something similar. It’s free so you can’t beat that price tag.

    in reply to: Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing #17198

    Can you use an online server like drop box for this?

    in reply to: Free Music Licensing Software in Beta Testing #17197

    Wow Mark that is awesome! Thanks for doing that, very cool.

    in reply to: Indie Rock-ish — Critique Please #17184

    I agree with the reverse cymbal, it would be great in a small dose but it kind of comes off now as a bit much. Also there is a plug in I use for drums, sounds great with ez drummer, it’s called Rough Rider. It’s a compressor that really gives the drums some life.

    A lot of the time Indie Rock, and rock in general is pretty compressed and it’s hard telling from soundcloud, but my personal taste has been going more towards more dynamics and less compression. For one with production music or stock music when it’s turned down or adjusted to the visual with a less compressed track it sounds better at lower volumes. Others may disagree with me but it’s just my two cents.

    I really like the track, guitar sounds cool. Arrangement is real good, and has that really popular sound that people are digging. I just think with more dynamics it would take it to the next level, cause to my ears it’s like ya this sounds good, but it could be like damn that sounds great. Hope that helps!

    in reply to: My first track, critique please #17102

    That happens very frequently when you get so used to a track. Normally I try to arrange and mix a track and sleep on it. When I hear it the next morning enough time has passed for my ears to reset.

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