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If you are a composer and/or songwriter, please leave your comments and experiences with this company. We want to hear the good as well as the bad! Please rate, from 1 to 10, by clicking on one of the stars. Below is some general information but we make no guarantee of accuracy. Check with the company for all details. Please contact us for any corrections.

URL: http://www.mymusicsource.com
Accepting Submissions: Yes
Submit Online: Yes
Submit By Mail: Unknown
Submissions Reviewed: Yes
Types Accepted:
  • Vocals
  • Instrumentals
Charge For Submissions: Variable
Up Front Money: No
Royalty Free:
(non-broadcast use)
(Exclusive, Non, Semi)

(Semi = Free to place on own
but not with another library)
Re-Title: No
Set Own Price: No
Contract Length: 6 Months
Payment Schedule: Bi-Annual
License Fee Split:
PRO Split Based on 100%:
or writer)
Requires Licensee To File Cue Sheet: Yes
Pays On Blanket License:
YouTube Content ID:
Active Site: No
Offers Subscriptions To Clients:

24 thoughts on “MyMusicSource”

  1. Some years back I got a free membership with My Music Source via Taxi. Thought I’d give it a go. 1 year later My Music Source took money from my account without prior warning. I emailed them. They apologised and sent me a refund. Unfortunately it was £2 short. I emailed them and explained there was £2 missing. Their answer: sorry that must have been down to a fluctuating e
    xchange rate, we’ve done our bit, can’t help you there. I protested. They were adamant. End of relationship.

  2. “We see emails from people like yourself all the time and the funny thing is , if everybody listens to you, we will just shut down and then what other avenues to artists and composers have to monetize their art?” – MIchael

    Yeah, I wonder why you see emails like that all the time – hmm… 😀

    What other avenues? A couple hundred of them on this website alone.

    • Look John,
      Your sarcasm does not help anybody, cute as it is. I don’t think the MusiclibraryReport was created for guys like you to vent. Be constructive, and factual – thats what all of us musicians need. Thanks MR

  3. Read Michael Redman’s reply at least three times and see if you can find any justification for charging for submissions OTHER than to make a quick buck. If they are good at what they do they should be able to hear music and know where to place it. From this they earn their ‘living’. Basically they’re charging YOU to help YOU earn your living and in the process earning even more for themselves. That’s like paying a bank to take your money off you. Still, fair play to them..There are lots of desperate people out there and they are cashing in.

    • JC…please go to our linked-in group [ MyMusicSource Artists] and read my comments about pay to play. [You will see that Greg and I do not take paychecks from this biz] You think it is easy my friend… has nothing to do with how good you are . It has everything to do with innovation, and hard work.

      I hate to read the type of thing you are writing, about our company or any other. Spend some time in the shoes of someone in our business BEFORE you trash them please.

      We see emails from people like yourself all the time and the funny thing is , if everybody listens to you, we will just shut down and then what other avenues to artists and composers have to monetize their art?

      Why not jump in the game, put on your idea cap and become an advocate for the musicians out there?


      PS – I am not desperate. I made my $ long ago:)

    • I have an Internet Radio Show (I do in my spare time, which I do not have much of) where I only play Music from Indie Artists. I received my Artists from SONICBIDS. I did not charge for the submissions. BTW I have found a number of very, very talented Artists from Around the World. I can see why organizations charge for submissions. Time is money if you are in business. I have received so many submissions it takes away from my own business. I do not charge them to play their music, just exposure for them. I would not pay for play myself. Hence I do understand why companies charge for submissions. Time & Money. Just be careful and know who you are dealing with

      • Hi Jason,
        You are very right about time is money. We do our best to get music out there to our customers and the pay for play model if done in an upfront honest manner is a good opportunity as far as I can see. We offer value to our artists and there is no reason not to charge a little for that value.

        Starting in January we will change our model and get rid of the re-titling and will give up our % of publishing for music we place. At that time we will only be making money on the mechanical portion of a license. The artists will keep 100% of any backend dollars.

        There are alot of sharks in the water and we don’t want to be one of them…I appreciate your comments :)MR

        • “At that time we will only be making money on the mechanical portion of a license. The artists will keep 100% of any backend dollars.” – Michael

          Then why is it listed 50/50 PRO split above?

  4. Some more info from Michael:

    We have several partner sites, and just launched Radar (music request engine) and a plugin for Final Cut Pro… so our model is changing all the time…. anyway
    1. We are not a buyout library – per use only
    2. Pay to submit – in some cases yes but a basic free membership is available that allows free submissions
    3. Set own price – ‘YES’ for all Radar submissions

    Thats it for now – thanks in advance
    MIchael Redman,president

  5. Hi Guys,
    Just want to put my two cents in here…

    Greg and I have been in the business for too many years:) Our goal is simple – find great music, license it wherever we can, and make a living while we are at it. There is no hidden agenda like some of our competitors.

    We want to help musicians make a few bucks ( you cannot depend on living off of sync licensing royalties anymore ) and have an outlet for their music, much of which would not have a home otherwise.

    We try to make this as painless a process as possible for everybody – just remember that you are making a small investment in marketing your music with us or anyone else so do your due diligence carefully. YES there are alot of companies who will take what small amount of money any typical musician has and over promise the results.

    Our promise is this – We will do our best to get your music in front of as many potential users as possible…period.

    Then it’s up to them…

    By the way, if you want to help us and yourselves, join our linked in group MyMusicSource Artists and Composers

    Thats it Folks 🙂 Michael Redman

  6. So you’re supplying them the product and they charge you $149.95 a year for the honor (plus submission fees). Sounds like a deal.

    No, they’re not like TAXI. They’re scoundrels! TAXI is just a service that forwards appropriate music to their listing companies. They don’t stand to profit from licensing fees and royalties.

    Sounds like MY Music Source profits come mostly from the $149.95 suckers that they pull in.

  7. I’ve had a small placement through MyMusicsource for a limited DVD project. There are upfront fees for submission (0-$5), and membership fees (0-$149.95 year) -a bit of a mix of TAXI and Broadjam for website building. I’ve also submitted songs that were not added to their catalogue – can be picky. Greg, is a good guy, and easy to work with.

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