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Not strictly a music library but if you are a composer and/or songwriter, please leave your comments and experiences with this company. We want to hear the good as well as the bad! Below is some general information but we make no guarantee of accuracy. Check with the company for all details. Please contact us for any corrections.


136 thoughts on “YouLicense”

    • I’ve been trying to get back on for 2 days w/no luck..does this happen a lot? – I just paid for a 6 month trial..don’t know if I’ll renew if this is the norm there..I did notice a lot of music being uploaded in the past few days and then bam it was down..

  1. Hey!

    Anyone knows if this site is active? I created an account a couple of years ago but I never got around to using the site I think. Now I try to log in I can’t. I’ve used the recover password and got new password sent to me but it doesn’t work.

    Is it worth the effort to keep trying?

  2. So, what’s the consensus on You License? The comments in this thread read… “I LOVE it.” “I HATE it.”

    I had an account several years ago. I dropped it but I can’t remember why ๐Ÿ™‚


    • They had to do some maintenance on their servers (I actually received a reply from Maor!)
      So if by any chance, like me, you went ahead and canceled your PayPal automatic payment you have to wait until it’s renewal time, renew as a Pro Musician and your info+tracks should be untouched… pheww.

      • That’s funny because I was literally thinking about canceling the automatic payment. Great minds think alike. Good to hear it was just a temporary thing, a heads up tweet would have been nice, but hopefully things keep running smooth. Personally, I’ve had a lot of activity on YouLicense and it’s a relief to see it back online.

  3. I’m having trouble getting their site to load, I dunno if it’s finally gone or if there is a technical issue. Also noticed the widget has stopped working. Kind of a bad sign, and it would be a shame if it shut down without any warning.

      • Vlad, there was no negotiation. The client bought a track licence in December for a specific project for about 80$. And bought the same track again for another project, most probably a larger one, for just under 500$. I suppose the price is defined by the YL engine depending on the project size.

        I had the YL guy on the phone about a year ago. He is a developer. In my opinion, he set up YL, now it flows automatically, so he must be on something else now… YL is just a tool, not a library…

        • I have been trying to contact youlicense guys for over 6 months with no luck. some of the guys that appear as team members of YL answered that they dont work with YL anymore. Many people have reported to have been locked out from their account which means they have lost control over the music or the fees they want to charge (There is an option to accept or decline offers).

    • Hi Edouardo! You said you have contacted the youlicese guy by phone. Could you let me know the name and phone?? I’ve been trying to contact each and everyone on the YL team as it is described on the site with no luck. I’ve been locked out from my account for 6 months or more and I have not access to any of my tracks, to any offer or any contract. I would really appreciate if you can send the details you know to musicforyourmedia@totallyartsproject.com I know mine is not the only case like that.

        • No luck with this youlicense guy. No assistance nor support in any way. I’ve been calling to his phone # as it appears at paypal, but no luck. Even if its a tool, you need to have administration assistance to make it right. My advice is not to use youlicense service. there are some other platforms, a bit more expensive but it worth it. they have a great support. (licensequote)

  4. Also, dead for me. A shame, I actually had a few decent transactions up until this past year. For anyone who wants to cancel their subscription you need to do it through your paypal account.

      • Does it hurt the library when they have too many tracks? Probably not. But that certainly starts to hurt artists after a while. The library makes money from each sale while the artists usually only make money from the sale of his/her own music.

        The key seems to be to get in early and send in a lot of songs. Even that may not help if the site has poor marketing and advertising.

  5. Contacting anyone on client support is just impossible. These guys don’t care about your business or if you got locked out of your account and miss offers on your music. Using licensequote now. Great client support and great platform.

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