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GoDigital Media Group

Recently conversations have been appearing in various threads about GoDigital Media Group. You can find out more about GoDigital here: http://www.godigitalmg.com/adshare.php.

A comment from one reader says it all.

“Crap! just had my musicloops.com account shut down because “xxxxx” submitted my entire catalog to GoDigital without my permission and musicloops customers are complaining about my music! They can’t use my music on Youtube anymore.”
Please e-mail any libraries you work with on their position with GoDigital (or any 3rd party deals) and I will list here.

Libraries with NO GoDigital or 3rd party deals:

300 Monks
MoonLab Music
Vault Audio
Tune Society

Libraries WITH GoDigital or 3rd party deals:

If you know of any please contact me and I will list here.

45 thoughts on “GoDigital Media Group”

  1. Oskar

    This site has nothing to do with giving permission for the use of music, that is in the remit of the copyright holders. This site is for composers to share their experience of different libraries.



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