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  • #29255

    Stein, YOU should be ashamed of yourself!

    Were you just playing with us?! The Last Helicopter Falls “You already know that’s where you need to be!!”

    Do this, “Go through EACH and EVERY Library Review here, and see what the community has to say.” They have been “EXTREMELY” Helpful in my personal advancement!

    There are NO shortcuts. “When you take the short road your trip is actually MUCH longer!!”


    Definitely a move in the right direction. Still some distance to go though – but fine for RF style libraries or youtube videos or some reality TV. A bit long for most uses, but it could easily be cut down. I know I’m not being easy with you, but this STYLE of music demands the absolute most to be convincing. It’s one of the hardest things to pull off convincingly. There are about 1000 other styles that would let you off the hook easier… 🙂 Good work.


    Sent you a PM.


    Thanks again to you all,

    been very helpful



    i REALLY dig that last track!

    just my humble opinion, it “sounds” like you put more work (creative juices) & effort into it compared to the previous tracks, if thats any help…

    Please don’t stop, the way i see things…you’re gonna make them anyway, so why quit?


    yeah, I did work that one more, and I´ve done a lot of these too. But then it comes to the question, is it better to do one good, that takes a couple of days, that will not be used, or do 5 or 6 in the same mount of time, and maybe have more chance of one of them being used.

    I repeat, I´m all for quality, but I´m hearing and seeing stuff being used as underscore that is not very creative, but seems to fit something that the editor wants.

    I don´t know.

    But I hear of people here doing 5 – 10 tracks sometimes a day, and having 2000 – 3000 tracks here and there. I mean, not all of them can be masterworks, but functional all the same.

    Thats what I was aiming at with the tracks I posted first, something useful, that has some chance of being put as underscore. I will never get the amount of tracks needed if I spend 2 – 3 days per track.


    and LAwriter, I do agree,

    I however can not spend 100 – 400 dollars per track for mix/master if the track will never get used. I might do it if I had some financial guarantee that the track will be bought. I can do stuff better, takes more time, which I don´t have too much of.

    The big name companies would not like this quality, but hopefully I´m close to the underscore quality for low end productions at the moment. Thats were I need to start I´m afraid. If I see that work, then I might be able to aim for higher.


    I think this is all in your process to getting better. Take some of the money that you make on the next few things you do, and upgrade your Sample Library. Trust me, “The better Libraries need a LOT LESS tweaking of sounds!”


    I´m afraid my friend to tell you my libraries, since you think they sound outdated in my hands 🙂

    Spitfire Albion One, Albion 2, Spit, percussion, Hz percussion, Berlin strings, Berlin ww, Metropolis 1 and 2, Loads of 8dio stuff, Slate digital all access, QL reverb, and loads of other stuff too 🙂

    Logic X, Cubase and Ensemble thunderbolt

    Currently new Imac pro.

    I guess this makes me the guy that has way too much stuff, and does not know how to use it 😉


    Sending a PM


    But I hear of people here doing 5 – 10 tracks sometimes a day

    They are not doing 5-10 big orchestral tracks a day. They might do a couple 30 sec piano solo pieces, 4 drones (1 minute) and a solo guitar track.


    ah ok…


    I might do it if I had some financial guarantee that the track will be bought

    This business is like investing. No guarantees. Either you can afford to do it (time and money) or you can’t.

    If I see that work, then I might be able to aim for higher.

    IMO, and this is my personal mantra – this is a losing proposition. Guaranteed to fail long term. Especially in today’s market. Just saying’…


    yup, true

    but one has to have some limit on the investing part!!!

    return VS. investment

    If it´s mostly a one way street one has to consider that also.


    but one has to have some limit on the investing part!!!

    I’m sorry but that is not a successful person’s attitude. Those I know who rise to the top of their game and the business NEVER settle for second best, no matter the cost. They just don’t. That doesn’t mean their path is the only path, but I’ve seen it again and again – those with excuses are the ones who give up midstream, or who are never seen as “successful”. Take it for what it’s worth. Aiming for the pinnacle is a good success path. Yes, it’s painful, costly, time consuming and difficult. and there are no guarantees. If you want to succeed in this biz, that’s a time honored and successful path.

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