How long did it take you to reach 4 figure PRO payments?

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    This is great news.


    My first exclusive release was in 1998 and I was hitting 4 figures on less than 10 tracks within 2 years.

    Seems like a lifetime ago.

    Gary Wolk

    Got my 1st 4-figure payment today after 10 years of receiving BMI royalties


    This is very helpful and enlightening. Very good advise. Would you mind to explain what those ‘multiple revenue streams’ are? I think I’m betting all my chances to the same publisher…Thanks in advance.

    Art Munson

    “Would you mind to explain what those ‘multiple revenue streams’ are?”

    You could start by having your music in multiple libraries not just one.


    My first royalty was $14! Took another 4 years to hit $1000. Now I wonder how long until I hit 5 figures!!


    What a great post….thanks guys for interesting reading.

    Mostly the same for me. About 4 years. Found that concentrating on libraries that actually did something for me and having a personal rapport with them helped. Quality is important and I would also say having your own recognizable style in what ever genre you excel in. Yes, you’re writing library music but each track should be your best. Heart and soul is so important….Editors will hear and notice that.

    Agree…streaming royalties are pitiful…..but hope lives eternal. We do it because we love it. The check …however big is always a nice surprise.

    My first thousand came from the end credit music to an episode of ‘Real Sex’ on HBO. Had back ends from that for a good 5 years. ( excuse the pun!!) My wife’s father was a pastor……need I say more when he heard about my success!!! haha


    It took me 1 year and 3 months from my first statement (my 6th statement) to hit 4 figures. But it was an outlier, 1 track that aired regularly across 3 months in the Netherlands that made the difference. My 8th statement went back to 3 figures. I have less than 100 tracks so I’m grateful to have made a decent sum from a low quantity.

    Streaming has generally been poor except for Netflix. I’ve had 3 tracks placed and each has brought in 3 figures per quarter.

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