Forum Replies Created
If I might. People like you LAwriter, Abby, Art, Cruci, and some other “Real Players/Lifers” gave up the “true game”. Don’t just write/compose in your wheelhouse, or what you think will get the placement. Stretch into as many genres/styles as you can “authentically & genuinely do”. This is what separates the real composers from the “One Trick Ponies!!”
Note: If you are doing Trap or EDM, and you are new to the business. You not only have an over-saturated genre/style; you as well are competing against “Lifers” who are already in place at the better Libraries. You will need to learn how to plug Library/Catalog holes, and find special niches to get in..
BEATSLINGERParticipantI realize I went off-topic, and so to answer the question. I myself have basically given up on Non-Exclusives, and “RF” sites. I have done a TON of research, and are now ONLY pitching to Top-Tier Libraries. Since I joined MLR last year, and did a TON of research (There are some REAL Players/Lifers here, and you have to do your reading!!) I am now in 4 Top-Tier Libraries. I have decreased my output of songs/tracks to about 40-50 a year; and are now making about 4X-to-5X the money I was making previously..
I only have 1 slot on my “Dance Card” left, and I am aiming for Sony Extreme..
I Apologize for naming a company. But, That’s a “real Top-Tier Library”.
BEATSLINGERParticipantHey Glen – I misspoke. You were referring to the subscription model situation not improving not the business in general. Guess I was in an encouraging mood LOL!! Please disregard my previous post.
No Paolo, You are correct, and You have a great attitude!! I mean, so what if a Million Dollars doesn’t happen from production music. As well, what if it’s just an extra income “until this get rich quick in the production music industry scam(s) goes bust?” You are being creative, and no matter what you are “turning ideas into profit!”
Now, here’s my take on things. I stand as proof that “real music, and real musicians WILL weather the storms!” I am also seeing that the influx of people that thought they would get rich over-night are dwindling substantially, and falling to the waste-sides in droves!!
If you love what you’re doing, just KEEP GOING!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantWelcome Jeff/JPitcher! Do it out of “Love” and the money will just follow!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there Whipple, I think you might have something with Dark Drone Number 4, and World of Darkness 2. I have never tried this market, so I’m not sure what they look for. All I know is “It made me feel/see dark colors, and I could see it in something where there is an ominous/lurking thing happening”.
Good Luck, mix sounds fine.
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there Glenn, I was mainly on the record side of the business till about 2004(?) I have been in so long it is really hard to know which was the most successful. But, my story is a like like Art’s. I had a cue/track, that I personally didn’t care for, but needed one more track to complete a full album for a “Boutique Library” (was picked at random from what I thought were C grade cues) The very first quarter that the album went “Live” it alone got 146 blanket drops. So, I have no idea what will go over, and what won’t..
BEATSLINGERParticipantGreetings and welcome David! I hope your Music Library Report journey bears much Fruit!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantTo be honest, I have had several issues with SESAC. I have a new Rep now, and things are looking a lot better. To my understanding, the “printout/statement” only reflects what you got paid on, and once there is a couple of coins earned it will appear again.. Luckily, you can reach a Rep or Accounting fairly easily.
Sometimes I think though, if I wasn’t Universal Music Group/UPPM I would have gone back to BMI..
BEATSLINGERParticipantCompletely understanding. It is really truth that each individuals mileage may vary!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there Whipple. You are in the right place. I have made tremendous strides in getting into some really great Libraries/Catalogs here. A few pointers/things to take note of..
1) Know what you want, and set a plan for achieving it. Do you want to primarily have residual back-end royalties, do you want to compose/write for Royalty Free, do you need upfront monies, are you looking at mainly Film Supervisors, etc..
2) Read ALL of the Library Ratings and Reviews!! There is great information in them, and some really honest candor!!
3) Watch the conversations that happen inside the Forum Topics. You will get a LOT of great information there, and get to see some solid information from real industry veterans!!
I wish you all the best, and to you all much success!!
(side-note) One of the big “peeves” here is newer people asking a lot of questions about how to get “from 0-to-100 in one second”. To my knowledge, there simply is no fast-track, or “known” set way to earn 6 figures just by joining forums. This is a “Long-Haul business” where setting a course, and building placements/track-record WILL get you into bigger Libraries. Lots of work and preparation seem to be the key!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there,
I think this is on a Library-by-Library basis. I’m not sure about all, but the Top Libraries I am in are Composers/Writers to you and the Publishing goes to them. I would say, if the Library/Catalog has a great reputation, and has a large customer/client base; I am all for giving them the publishing percentage. “I would MUCH rather have a LOT of some, rather than ALL of none ANY DAY!!”
As well, just my 2 cents. I have had not so good luck with RF Libraries, and I didn’t see the benefits of having them administer publishing..
BEATSLINGERParticipantBy “getting in the pocket and making it greasy” do you mean that it should be tighter? Or maybe play behind the beat a little?
To be honest, it doesn’t lock, and it feels like it doesn’t “Groove”. Timing and rhythm are pretty much everything in Funk/Soul/R&B, and if “it rushes the beat, or sits behind the beat it just needs to “uniformly flow”‘..
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there Brian Mc. For me it’s a timing issue with the funk tracks. Seems like you need to really “Get in That Pocket a little more, and make it Greasy”. I enjoyed the Halloween/Eerie side of your work, and that seems to be in your wheelhouse. Have you thought about getting a few of your pieces professionally mixed? That way you can hear what you sound like, and get a better frame of what you need to do when you are working on your own mixes..
BEATSLINGERParticipantHi there Art. I am hoping you see this. Aaron was NOT very constructive.
BEATSLINGERParticipantYou know something? There REALLY is no answer to this. Everyone here reads the reviews, gets in touch with the Libraries/Catalogs; and if they are accepted all of sudden feel like they will be “In The Money”.
Truth, We are all getting varied results, and there is no “One Size to Fit ALL of US!!”
Like say for instance, “I personally have realized I am LOUSY at RF/Royalty Free sites, and no longer submit any of my compositions to them”..