Forum Replies Created
Wow! I am in Northern California, USA. From the looks of my checks I thought it was “really popping” over there! A good “Chunk” of my Royalty Payments are from PRS, and SACEM
BEATSLINGERParticipantSorry Art, maybe I’m just I went to post again, it looked wrong, then edited it. Now I am lost again.. Hahaha
Maybe I should just give up..
BEATSLINGERParticipantMy advice to all, let the low end scavangers stay low and in the garbage can. Every time in my professional life I thought about ways to make money from those who don’t have money, you end up regretting it and well….not making any money
Preach Brother Music1234, that’s REAL TALK!!
But I do agree that writing hits is the only answer. Hit tracks will always equal money in the bank.
Hit Tracks, or having a close friend/family member that is already plugged into the top tier is the ONLY way you’re getting into the real money libraries!!
If you are brand new to the production music game, YOU are probably THE MOST dis-advantaged group EVER. There is now so much bad/mediocre product, and so many lower tier libraries/RF sites/subscription services to “get lost in; while they claim grandiose success'”.
You will need to find multiple ways to separate yourself from the “mediocre pack!!”
Firstly, find “Your OWN Unique Style/Take on Music, and Refine & Polish it like a Rare Jewel!!”
When I first started in the music business (A LONG time It cost $80-100 Bucks an hour for studio time. a 3 song demo was about 6,000 to 7,000. NOW that is literally a WHOLE STUDIO at your house, and you can write 1000’s of tracks. With everything at your fingertips whenever you want to create. “There is now ZERO excuse for LOUSY/MESSY/UNDER-PRODUCED MUSIC!!!”
BEATSLINGERParticipantIt’s “good”, but there are things that make the arrangement “seem odd”. The beginning is very repetitive, then you have these Dark/Baroque inflections that are really nice! The mix is a bit odd as well, and should be more “spatial and lush” seems a tad harsh with the weird pannings..
I would make the entry to the composition have more “movement” and brings the drums in earlier as well.
Hope that helped. You’re on to something, just needs a bit of “tweaking and fearlessness!”
BEATSLINGERParticipantAlso, I meant to say that utilizing your PRO to make introductions to Libraries/Catalogs, and Publishers really does work. My Rep has been pitching/soliciting for me, and got me into some really good Libraries!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHuge, I like this a LOT better!
I completely understand the feeling of being in some “Top Tier Libraries” but not making the Top Tier Bread you thought would come with it..
Being in about 6-8 PMA Exclusive Libraries, being a PMA member/composer/publisher; and now thanks to the MLR’s “honest Candor” I am also in some “Top Tier Non-Exclusives” (Yes, I found out there is such a here’s a couple of things that really helped for me.
Start bridging the distance between yourself, and your PRO Rep. They really need to be on their J.O.B with you; especially because you have an extensive list of credits.
Also, here’s something else that really is working for me. Got tired of the “Cold Calls” so I recently “retained” a really good Music Attorney, and are having them do some pitching for me. What’s a couple/few grand spent towards investing in yourself? Might not work for some, but it is working well for me!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHonestly, I find it pretty comical that you wrote paragraph upon paragraph telling me how you would never help me! Isn’t just not writing anything simpler ?
BEATSLINGERParticipantFor those of us who have been doing it for decades, we will survive because of longevity, huge catalogs, contacts and being slotted in. For those trying to make the break in….
This is “The Truth”.
I too have diversified, and even though I am well planted/well connected; and are making a “living” doing music. I am going back to school to get yet another degree..
I wonder who was the one(s) that made this seem so glamorous? All these “get rich quick schemes that have bombarded the YouTube channels, and FLOODED email addresses. If they were REALLY doing what they say they are doing. They would not have enough time to Sheer The Newbie Sheep!”
There are “one or two” that are really “in position” to make some things happen; but even they have now diversified to become Libraries/Catalogs, and “Fleece the newbies by offering outrageously BAD terms & conditions”..
BEATSLINGERParticipantOnly you can answer your first question. It depends on where you live, if you have a family, mortgage, etc..
Boy, is THAT The Truth!
Here’s my 2 kuru..
For some reason “Por Moir” it has always been the case that Music/Art will fail you when you depend on it too much. In addition, for me it has been that I need to break the monotony of composing by having outside interests that help to break me away from it; and clear out my head.There is no formulation that I know of that says to get to this number; or do this step and it will have you working in music full time.
I can tell you this. The Higher Tier Libraries, and Boutiques ARE where the money is. You’re not going to get there with “run of the mill, and mediocre product”.
No matter what your style/genre of music “MAKE IT SOUND EXPENSIVE!!”
BEATSLINGERParticipantIf you can write your own music why bother copying someone else
There are not too many greater “Highs” than to be “Your OWN Artist, that has cultivated a unique style; and find that style embraced by the masses”.
Imagine this, we take something that comes from no-where, put it into a tangible form; and then literally get paid for our thoughts & Ideas.
Sure enough, we are a product of our musical/creative influences. But then to take those elements, and “create” something that is truly & uniquely our own?!
You can’t put a price on that kind of joy!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantI’m not saying that we have to help people that are trying to find a loophole. But do you really think that by helping your colleagues you will be disadvantages?
Thank You Wall_E! To answer the question. No, I personally do not feel it will hurt me/my income to help others by steering them in some “Better Directions, and help them to get over some hurdles that could potentially set them back; or discourage them from their dreams!!”
It was the same “code of silence/code of conspiracy to be silent” that I had to deal with in the recording industry as well. “I have mine now, and YOU have to find a way to get YOURS” was the mentality then, and now.
Now, with over 4500 Cues, and a MUCH better grasp of what I am doing in this industry. I DO in-fact help others to start in this industry with a “solid footing, and a good beginning to their career”. I welcome competition, I hope it inspires me to become an even better, and more timely/current artist!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantWhat are the most reputable ones (if there is such a thing!)?
I would honestly say “Put your tracks/streaming playlist up for a critique/evaluation by the MLR Community. I am sure some of the experienced forum members will give you some honest advice” (probably through a personal message)
Keep in mind. Reputable is “subjective”. What is working well for some writers/composers; is working horribly for others..
Read the reviews here on the catalogs. It has helped me out tremendously!!
BEATSLINGERParticipantHey there Boinkeee. One of “The BIGGEST Lessons that I am learning is to let things happen in their OWN timing; and don’t be so hasty as to wind up with “Sharky Companies, and Shady so-called professionals!!”‘
To get to the upper echelons of this business takes time, and there simply is no way to get around it..
Do your research, perfect your craft; and SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!!