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  • in reply to: New Composer to MRP seeking advice #29335

    Hello Brian, have you posted your music/tracks up on a site for review? Hearing the quality of your work will give a better answer as to where to start “shopping for potential Libraries”.

    in reply to: A Hypothetical Numbers Game Question #29318

    If I might..

    I am not sure why this “1000 tracks number seems to be equated to success”.

    I have less than 120 tracks in circulation, and I’m averaging 700-1000 placements a year..

    This is about getting into great, and well connected Libraries/Catalogs that get you to these numbers. “It takes Great Compositions/Tracks to get into these Libraries”..

    Also, the real money does not come from a bunch of tracks getting used for 5-10-15 seconds, as ambiguous filler. It comes from tracks that are interesting enough to command 60-90 to 2 minutes (and more) of usage, and bringing a much bigger cue rate.

    1000 tracks, can also mean “1000 Unique Titles” and some can be the same 250-500 tracks being re-titled in various libraries..

    in reply to: What do they mean by Subscription Based Online Service?? #29313

    Looks like I was WAY off in my thinking, and had a completely different take on this. Thanks for clearing that up LAWriter, and Art. I personally do not want/need any of these types of deals!!

    in reply to: Exclusive deal but no sync fee split? #29297

    Good morning everyone.

    Here is the main question: Have you done your research to see what their library has done, who some of their clients are; and found information on their marketshare?

    I am in a few Libraries that “Used to” break off a portion of the Licensing/Sync Fees quarterly; in addition to my back-end PRO earnings. It was fun to see those little “bumps”. But if they are feeling that it’s an action they needed to exercise (it was a clause that is in most contracts) I look at the overall relationship, and if this may be something they need to do to “survive”.

    If it looks like they will get you the placements, and keep you busy; I would say that’s more important than holding out for sync fees..

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29290


    Do I hear defeat?

    Look, “unless you are doing some type of Throwback Music where you don’t have to compete with YOUR Contemporaries; You’re gonna need to keep your tools up to date, and in pristine condition!!”

    I believe in me, I believe in my product; and I am ALWAYS looking for my next, latest, greatest way to get even better!!

    Shut, I constantly have my eye on more tools for My Tool-Box, and techniques/ways to make my product even better!!

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29282

    Sending a PM

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29280

    I think this is all in your process to getting better. Take some of the money that you make on the next few things you do, and upgrade your Sample Library. Trust me, “The better Libraries need a LOT LESS tweaking of sounds!”

    in reply to: Quick Question about Edits and Stems #29277

    Hello to all!
    I get this a lot, and usually are doing about 7-10 versions with different edits..

    I say, “Do whatever (within reason) it takes to give them everything they need to make that money!!”

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29257

    Sent you a PM.

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29255

    Stein, YOU should be ashamed of yourself!

    Were you just playing with us?! The Last Helicopter Falls “You already know that’s where you need to be!!”

    Do this, “Go through EACH and EVERY Library Review here, and see what the community has to say.” They have been “EXTREMELY” Helpful in my personal advancement!

    There are NO shortcuts. “When you take the short road your trip is actually MUCH longer!!”

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29236

    Think it´s time I take a step back, too much time going into this and money, will concentrate on other projects ? and leave the library business.

    thank you for pulling me back to reality my friend

    LAWriter, I feel you gave a lot of truth!

    Stein, I feel that maybe a step back, to re-think, and “calmly re-group”; will bring you to where you need to be!
    One of the greatest joys about being in the production music side of the business is “I can go anywhere my mind takes me! My creativity is not stifled by having to fit into a category, or a really tiny box”.

    Sounds to me Stein, like you want this a little too bad. Bad enough to compromise your product, and your capabilities.

    Really put together a “Strong set of compositions that really reflect your capabilities”. Put them on a Site (Like your own website, Soundcloud, reverberation, etc) THEN, do your research here, and “check each and every review, and entry of Feedback that is given to the Libraries here on MLR”

    Trust me, it’s not the amount of tracks. I did over 900 placements in 2016, and over 700 in 2017 using about “120 compositions total”..

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29227

    Good morning Stein. Being that you are a classically trained musician; I would say “Do the music that is really in your heart!! Don’t worry about what you think will work, or what they are looking for. Do the music that is really inside of YOU!!”

    Good music is NEVER outdated!

    Just felt like you were playing WAY too safe..

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29225

    Thanks for sharing Stein. I am not sure what to say.. Technically they are fine. I would say though the mixes lack that “Bottom End, and warmth “thing” that shakes a theater””..

    No offense, but I am looking forward to someone “Really breaking this movie/film trailer music thing wide open with a brand new sound!” Currently it seems to be a bit “too uniform/cookie-cutter” for my tastes..

    I would say this to everyone.. Get out to the Conferences, Seminars, and Conventions to meet the people. The current impersonal way of sending material/links by email, really only works if you are doing “Something Earth-shatteringly different”.. Meet people, build a rapport, and see what your peers are up to!


    Thanks to everyone. Looks like it’s only me..
    I will be in touch first business day!!


    Thanks LAWriter! I have not received any information on either..

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