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  • bobsstudio

    Streaming!! Not steaming…..but hey it would be nice if streaming was steaming! haha.

    in reply to: Film Music Network….site down? #37078

    HI Guys, I finally got a response..see below.

    “Hi Bob,
    Thanks for your email and I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience – we’ve been working on sending out an announcement on this. Due to the COVID19 pandemic and the resulting severe downturn in film and TV production, we had very few jobs posted between May and October this year – FMN was still operating, but only a few jobs were posted. We finally made the decision to suspend the FMN job function as of November 1st as there simply weren’t enough job listings coming through to make the membership effective. All memberships were temporarily suspended, and no further membership fee payments were taken.
    At this point, we hope to restart the FMN next year when film and television production recommences. At that point, we will email everyone and give them an opportunity to restart their memberships at a discounted rate – if someone does not choose to restart their membership, we of course will honor that and no further payments will be taken.

    I apologize for us being out of touch with this – we’ve been trying to find alternative sources of jobs and suspending FMN was literally a last resort and a very difficult decision as the organization has been operating for 25 years.

    Please advise any questions, I’m happy to provide any info about this.
    Robyn Hynes
    Chief Operating Officer
    The Film Music Institute –
    The Professional Voice of Music for Film & TV”

    in reply to: Film Music Network….site down? #35680

    Hi Tobytune,
    Thanks for quick reply……nice to know someone else is getting same problem.
    Ok I’ll wait to see if it hooks up again….and keep an eye on my bank account! in case it’s a phishing thing.
    On the other tack….yes I’ve had some success with them. In fact I got a good library contact through them. But that was sometime ago.
    I suppose at $12 per month and the occasional submission it’s not breaking the bank. But I’m very careful what I submit to…and only submit one or two tracks……if the add likes you they will check your url….if you have one…but I would never submit 10 tracks…..that’s over kill and a waste of money.
    I used to submit to many of these subscription models but not any more. I think this is this last one for me.
    If the site wakes up again I’ll let you know.

    in reply to: Is anyone familiar with Smart Rights (Brazil)? #35354

    Sounds like scam too. “mother’s and father’s name; marital status/partners name” that’s all about identity theft.


    Hi Art,

    Thanks for reply! Yeah you’re probably right! Cheers.

    in reply to: Free Music License Contract PDF recommendation/link? #34028

    Thanks for advice, the ‘heading’ for the google question is much better than the one I had!! I’m heading down that way.

    in reply to: Pay for submissions #30742

    Hi Guys,

    I would be very wary these days of submitting to these libraries that want money,except maybe Film Music Mag. I’ve been with them a while now and have had some good hits in the past. Things are slowing now though. Reason? Too many conjectures as you see on these posts. I still think it’s about finding a library that works for you and having a personnel relationship with the owner over a number of years. Of course Pond5 is good and free but as we all know you have to have a vast quantity of music out there to get the hits. I used to have success with Hit License but that’s tailed off. As you can see from their ‘selected’ page they haven’t had a hit in ages. Honing your style can be important to. If you’re good or feel confident in a certain style it pays to work on that. The library and also the customers of that library will get to know you and ask you for more work like that. Anyway I think general rule stay away from libraries that want money up front. Good luck!!

    in reply to: Neighboring Rights Royalties #30383

    Thanks Abby, I’m checking with sound exchange. Do I need to inform BMI. Or is this completely separate from PROs. Cheers. BobG

    in reply to: Neighboring Rights Royalties #30364

    Cheers Art I’m checking them out.



    in reply to: UK Composers #30091

    Hi all,

    I’m in Northern Virginia. making half a living at the library gig. Have deals in the US ,UK and Canada with various libraries. Enjoy the writing side although it can be frustrating sometimes. The business side I find ponderous. I think that’s where a lot of us fall flat. I don’t have an agent either. Hey but my wife always has good ideas!

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