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  • in reply to: Free Spitfire samples #30235

    finally got it to work art. had to repair and locate it down to its subdirectory and works fine now

    in reply to: Free Spitfire samples #30233

    cant get it to work on sonar plat…everytime i open it gives me error, bummer…

    in reply to: Top 10 Non exclusives #30179

    Noooo!!!! I can get those across the pond 😀

    in reply to: Top 10 Non exclusives #30177

    i did some sorting and analysis and came to a conclusion that i dont think its possible to come up with a top 10 nonex & nonRF lib list now, maybe not even a top 5. all libs mentioned beforehand are now excl, with the exception of C (and with their tight selection process they might as well be) . . .and the remaining nonexcl libs on my sorted list are either a) focused on songs, or b) not highly regarded with no rating or positive comments.

    thats really disheartening when my goal is to keep ownership, top that off with all the doom and gloom talk of sneaky blanket subscriptions, horrendous streaming backend, biased search engine on an oversaturated RF market, excl libs with dwindling or no upfronts, invasion of 3rd world bedroom producers, pay to play, in-house and direct licensing competition, A.I., while honing your craft to compete qualitywise with HANS ZIMMER & SNOOP DOG,constantly producing 3 finished tracks a week, and spending another $500 for the latest spitfire strings to keep up with the joneses….

    . . . can there still be light at the end of this tunnel???

    in reply to: Top 10 Non exclusives #30159

    thats the issue i have with JP since they only accept excl now. everytime i come up with some decent tracks, i contemplate submitting to them even with all their positive feedback, and end up putting them in a few nonex libs and RF . . . fortunate are those who came in before this nonex to ex migration happened. this new landscape really does feel like your gambling with casino chips…

    in reply to: Top 10 Non exclusives #30144

    wish you luck getting that info here or on other forums

    in reply to: Subscription Survival….. #29976

    be careful how you word things music1234. associating a whole country to a negative stigma aint gonna buy you votes. there can always be rotten apples in every basket. overgeneralization creates enemies not friends

    Im an expat living in 3rd world southeast asia, I can assure you that only a handful of guys know about this or does this for a living in the WHOLE country. the big players are mostly preoccupied with local work, and the majority of talented prospects are more concerned about daily survival. . . more so than getting good, getting education, buying (or affording) the best laptop and gear, or even knowing what production music is….and the rest are artists with a few songs they might be willing to dump on any subscription deal (if they ever get that deep into this). rest assure that on this side of the globe, those “first world problems” are not being threatened by a horde of third world bedroom beatmakers…you’re so ahead of the pack and too far up the food chain to even bother with the bottomfeeders so chill, be grateful, and have a chai latte 🙂

    in reply to: Composers and artists themselves destroy the business. #29854

    you guys brought up a good point for concern besides the low rates…the lack of accounting transparency and fair distribution to writers on this new subscription business model…i went through a similar issue a while back with spotify as an artist. may not be a direct correlation or you may know this already, but heres a long video that explains the problem & loopholes with spotify’s royalty allocation on their subscription model that may relate to the issue at hand (royaltywise)

    in reply to: Composers and artists themselves destroy the business. #29847

    I’ve combed through the database here and never have i seen a deal that bad ($135/yr-unlimited dwnlds)…worst i’ve seen is $89/mnth – 10 downloads max…and thats only for social media/youtube/personal use…..still not appealing, but the former is something i have not come across nor could it ever become the norm….

    in reply to: Library Recommendation #29700

    I guess were in opposite spectrums huge, so far in my short career i’ve shot an email to the elite libs to no avail, from the get go i always felt the grass is greener on the other side. thanks to the folks here i’ve concentrated my efforts on nonex and RF as some feel ownership is the way to go moving forward and I believe them…although i wouldnt mind to be all over the map with the bulk of my catalog in nonex…

    If I had a ton of quality tracks that are just sitting around I’d plunk them in a few NonEx RF libraries that I can pull out if the need arises as a start (there are NonEX in Perp RF libs also)…some libs are picky and some are not, best to check the comments to gauge where to start your efforts in…only drawback is the mind numbing process of the upload & data entry (no cut and paste mood & keyword option?, oh my!). I can’t imagine how long a few hundred unique tracks along with their alt mixes would take for libs that wont let you import/export excel or csv…

    from there I expanded on other NonEx Libs, and mid tier Ex libs…thats where spreadsheet sorting comes in handy for me, luckily i’ve worked with excel extensively all my life (used to manage tens of thousands of products) and i have a big file where its easy for me to sort whatever info i need at that moment (ex. NE tracks in (x) library at (x) date submitted with (x) genre, thats also in (x) library) didnt expect organizational skills was so crucial in this field also….

    I dont have the tenure or wisdom to know if everything mentioned is a great strategy or not, just letting you in on my journey so far…maybe even get a few tips from you on your side of the fence 🙂

    in reply to: Library Recommendation #29687

    huge, i think i remember seeing a video you did about your pro statement for an opening theme you wrote….that video gave me some clarity back then..why would you be interested in expanding to other libraries now when your already hooked up with some elite PMAs?

    in reply to: Earnings question? #29654

    interesting discussion, if i may ask an elaborate question on the topic on hand, from my understanding there’s a bell curve per the shelf life of a track…it takes time to slowly start to circulate, hits a peak,then tapers off. and some tracks start generating early (months for RF) and some takes a while as in years or decade(s) (PRO).

    I hear folks saying a large percent of their PRESENT revenue comes from tracks submitted 3-5 yrs ago, most likely from backend. yet those same tracks could have been their best sellers in RF libs the first 1-3 years then become nonexistent around year 4 or 5…which leads me to this Q

    how do you analyze your catalogs performance in relation to time? do you grab a year lets say “2013 tracks submitted” and average them out regardless on what’s moving and what’s stagnant…..or analyze it per track basis on when it starts to pick up steam and falls into the bell curve, which could be a few years, or even decades after the track was released?

    in reply to: Library Recommendation #29647

    Huge, i know what youre going through…im about a year into this (I started 2013 but got sidetracked and just got back on the horse a year ago)..I remember being overwhelmed staring at that humongous library database not knowing where to start.

    the only advise i can give you is to learn how to “read between the lines” when reading threads, comments, reviews, and even sarcasm…It takes a while to sink in but you wont get there unless you start reading “EVERYTHING”. there’s all sorts of nuggets of truth scattered all around courtesy of the good sincere folks here, and there will be a lot of “AHA” moments, usually around at 2am (need i say a lot of sleepless nights)…sometimes rereading a post you read half a year ago would have a different meaning due to the new knowledge accumulated

    Most important thing is that no one here will or can talk in absolutes, everyone can only go by their experiences. most dont want to be foolhardy cause they may feel accountable if it doesnt pan out for you…ive gotten advise of a sure thing that turned out to be a dead end, and got some traction on a lib I picked out of a hat that had no reviews comments or ratings whatsoever…Im even seeing some daylight on a lib that gets a lot of hate due to their platform. obviously i wont mention them cause I dont want to give you false expectations on something that may just be a fluke for me and only me.

    the way i tackled that database is I made an excel file and started sorting the Ex, NonEx, and RF libs, Decided which route I wanted to begin with, start reading the comments, went to the sites and researched the libs, and start widdling down a selection based on feedback or even a gut feeling….from there you’re on your own (thats where the fun begins)

    ….good luck and post your SC link so i can hear your tracks 🙂

    in reply to: Recent success #29608

    great track michael, how long did you have that track in the library before it got picked….mustve been a nice payout since its an ad

    in reply to: Question about Exclusive Briefs #29599

    thanks for sharing your thoughts on this matter folks, somehow EV was used instead of my membership handle….Dont want to name the libs since my options are limited nor do i want to burn any bridges so early in my career…but these are mid tier libs who used to be non excl & now only offer 2-3 yr excl contracts to new composers like me, and focuses on I believe cable placements. they dont offer upfronts, not to me at least, and they did mention before any contract signing that sync fees are rare for them…I will mention they are highly regarded here in MLR.

    I would classify them as “cattle call”briefs as they feel like a mass email and dont really get into specifics if a music sup or which cable network needs them.

    It doesnt take me that long to create/submit to the briefs, just concerned if the ROI is worth the effort, or if they may just be accepting anything left and right thus making my work less special or significant…so far they have been very vocal on complementing my submitted/accepted tracks and sometimes asking for more even after deadline…

    Im in about 9 RF/Nonexcl/Excl libs and atm no luck getting into PMA libs. my options are limited, would be nice to get those specific, custom, straight from the music sup briefs and would be a no brainer to focus on those instead of excl no upfront briefs, but thats not my reality right now….more like a “limbo” state most folks who are only 1-3 years deep maybe going through. constantly weighing everything, being weary of predatory tactics while waiting for anybody to throw you a bone is such a slippery slope…i can sit here and wait til i have tenured enough to get those juicy briefs, or justify that something is better than nothing for now, and cross my fingers hoping it’ll bear fruit…

    hoping to hear from others for more weight, but as of now im feeling these types of briefs maybe a senseless endeavor…

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