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  • in reply to: Any feedback welcome! #29476

    hi max, great polished tracks…seems like rock and metal is your forte which i can relate to….what is your track count now?

    been with ST for about half a year now. in a nutshell ive had about 6 digit views/plays, upper 2 digit shortlists and lower 2 digit licenses…totalling to $0 earned haha. wait and see i guess……

    TF seems to cater to your genre based on my exp (most of my tracks they accepted are guitar based leaning towards rock and metal)

    dont have much tenure yet to see whats working or not per libs, nor would it be any help since personal experiences here varies extremely from one another on almost everything. great info here per production, industry news, member experiences, and data mining. but were pretty much on our own on how to decipher which libs will work or not, and seems the only way to find out is the hard way (it is what it is)… good luck on your journey…

    in reply to: US Streaming Rate Increase #29379

    “The ruling includes a significant increase in the overall percentage of revenue paid to songwriters from 10.5% to 15.1% over the next five years – the largest rate increase in CRB history.

    In practical terms, that would mean a near-44% jump in royalties – for example, from $5,000 to $7,200.”

    hmmm…Its a step forward, but doesnt sound that significant when you take out a few zeros

    in reply to: preamp suggestions #29371

    I have the old silver apollo quad with the neve 1073 plugin & a vintech 1073….I prefer the vintech but tbh not substancially better than the 1073 plugin

    in reply to: A Hypothetical Numbers Game Question #29334

    thanks composer, I hear folks talk about letting tracks or your catalog “ripen”, which takes years to happen and start rolling…and also about the “5 year plan” which only now im starting to understand…

    was always worried that trends come and go so fast that material written 2-3 years ago would be outdated by the time they “ripen” or circulate in the open market, which makes evergreen tracks a more solid foundation to build on….

    in reply to: A Hypothetical Numbers Game Question #29333

    thanks LAWriter, yes something iffy going on lately, beatslinger actually replied back to you (got email notification) but somehow didnt show up here…

    All great points and advise you mentioned, particularly the “right music for the right library” bit, which my takeaway was one mans trash is another ones treasure….that really got me thinking..

    there are over 800 music libraries listed here on MLR, and with that much data newbs such as myself tend to gravitate on researching the top 10 first before heading down the database jungle and sorting them out, checking ratings, reading comments, and going through their websites. the polls here say that most writers work with 3-10 libraries max, which i draw a conclusion that its not wise to work with a lot of libraries, nor take the time and effort to contact or submit to certain libs based on a “hunch” that we might NOT be a good fit…whats your take on that?

    If this business is such a hit or miss, is it a good idea to try and hit all potential libs and spread out your catalog based on a “hunch”, or focus on just a few and try to build up your rapport and catalog with them, and cross your fingers you did the right thing 3 years down the road?

    Is the game is soooo different now than when you (seasoned vets) started, that old strategies don’t apply anymore?

    nonetheless anyone here who’s been at this for decades must have the knack to “roll with the punches”, or else you would’ve quit long ago…thus the utmost respect and gratuity to any speck of advice you offer you vets definitely deserve and heeded…

    in reply to: A Hypothetical Numbers Game Question #29321

    I just threw up an easy number to simplify things…and i meant unique full tracks excl alts…hard to come up with an average when genre, skill, luck, and other factors are involved…

    the gist of the question derives from the lack of understanding of the journey, Alan’s 5 year update thread has been the most insightful piece of data I could ever find on the web per this career field, im sure a lot of us starting out feel blessed to discover such info… and to actually see a glimpse of people’s journey with REAL DATA to analyze is priceless! no other forum has been this generous and for that I am grateful and willing to pay forward when my the time comes…

    But out of that data a ton of questions emerge, including this one which i felt was the most non-intrusive, yet could be very informative…

    – thanks gigdude, didnt realize how much luck and timing plays a role in this biz, where the same tracks that lie dormant the first half of your career would be your cash cow on the latter…makes sense that even the same track by the same artist submitted to the same library, but at different times, would yield different results for better or worse…

    – thanks BS, I dont know if your the norm or the exception per track count, nonetheless your strategy is effective if you’re getting results…it does seem like getting into a good library is a lot harder than churning out material at lightspeed rate… i read about some dude whos also making bank from reality tv fillers, but when i saw his yearly output i couldnt believe it (500+), so i guess different strokes…my takeaway is that absolute opposite strategies can still yield the same results, and matching the right song to the right library is a crapshoot.

    in reply to: Critic if you have time #29259

    i REALLY dig that last track!

    just my humble opinion, it “sounds” like you put more work (creative juices) & effort into it compared to the previous tracks, if thats any help…

    Please don’t stop, the way i see things…you’re gonna make them anyway, so why quit?


    now im more confused than ever…i though theres a heiarchy to this with

    a) elite traditional libs (mostly PMA) EX/NE with upfronts,no sync split and backend,
    b) mid tier traditional libs EX/NE with no upfront, may or may not have sync split, and backend c) RF EX/NE with no upfront, add to cart/buy once, use as many times, and backend/no backend option….

    so i had this analogy of…… elite/mid tier traditional libs = brick and mortar store and RF libs = self serve vending machine…thus NE & RF are apples to oranges, and traditional & RF are apples to apples

    do i have it wrong here?

    in reply to: 5 Year Report #29132

    pike60, is your catalog in mostly mid tier exclusive libs with no upfronts? or PMA libs? thanks for sharing your journey… i saw a [removed] interview of one of their top composers where he states he had an exponential jump on income about 3 years in when he started focusing on non ex libs…interesting you brought that up

    in reply to: 5 Year Report #29152

    love your piano/orchestral tracks on SC dayeydad …whats your track count history btw?

    you got me interested in pandora now, i have 2 albums and some singles on spotify (singer/songwriter) that i would like to get on there if they pay better…

    in reply to: submitting to briefs from exclusive libs question #29123

    yes i have a contract, and after rereading it it does state that any submitted and “accepted” tracks falls under the exclusivity terms of the contract, although briefs werent specified i guess it falls under that category. what confused me is that some libs do reply whether it is accepted or rejected for that brief, this was just a simple “thanks for submitting” which felt was neither an acceptance or rejection…thanks paolo and beat

    in reply to: 5 Year Report #29114

    thanks alan for remembering. congratz on hitting your goal of +20K, how does it feel? would you start considering going full time now? you also seem bummed out about your exclusive venture…

    A special mention that you also hit your target with only 280 tracks! Im sure theres folks that have double that track count who are not hitting those figures…a testament to your work.

    heres a left field question, are you still making $$ now from your first 50 tracks 6-7 years ago?

    in reply to: BMI decree battle email #29081

    thanks for the clarification paolo…i guess that wont affect me much as i dont have collab works atm

    in reply to: My First RF Sale #28972

    thanks for the info kubed, I assumed it was due to oversaturation and being so far back in the search list. I though AS would get my first sale as it has more activity view wise….PT on the other hand is a mystery, just cant grasp the percentage ups and downs analytics, if its based on a daily rotating cycle or something…

    in reply to: My First RF Sale #28969

    Thanks Abby, so far ive noticed the difficulty of getting views more less a sale for me on this particular rf site, so i did a double take as well…not sure if its just me but i was pretty much invisible (view wise) for the peak month of november…

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