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  • in reply to: Regarding Exclusive Libraries #26979

    Yes, I just received a request to do exclusive tracks similar to what I had just completed and wondered if they have even used the tracks from 2 months ago… Having said that I just received my biggest fee from any library, from an exclusive.

    As far as the No Michrophone’s rule… That’s the world I live in in hopes that it helps me stand out… but it is time consuming. Plus I’m a guitar guy not a trained pianist…

    in reply to: How do you maintain your sanity in the PRO game? #26642

    I’ll offer my take here as I am a part timer at this.
    I have a full time somewhat stressful job and would love to do this full time but I see the risk as too great at my age. So for me the insanity part comes when I’m working my day job and I just want to give my 2 week notice so I can walk into my studio every morning and create my own path to success… That is why I look forward to the time in the studio.

    Over the 5 years of doing this I have learned to create some nice tracks and work with a few libraries that now reach out to me for music and I’d like to think it is because there is a level of quality to what I do. That thought calms me down and helps me focus when I hit the studio at night or on the weekend… In a sense, this venture is my path to sanity… That and Vodka…

    in reply to: ASCAP Member Survey – Fees in our future? #23188

    Just took the survey… I certainly don’t make enough money to pay 300 bucks a year… Being in the corporate world I have learned surveys do 2 things normally… They let your customers/employees complain anonymously and they rarely help change anything for the better…

    in reply to: Some well performing exclusive libraries?….. #22992

    My only placements with Exclusives are Epitome and BlackToast but nice folks to work with. Might work for you as your music description sounds somewhat like my music. Guitar or string based, meaning ukes and such with the occasional synth mixed in.

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