Discovery Backs OFF!!

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  • #34126

    Guys, a victory for us. Finally. It’s about time, isn’t it? šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    This posted from the PMA today…..

    Dear Creative Community,

    Some very good news. We have been informed today by Discovery Networks that in regard to performance rights, Discovery has decided that their US channels will remain operating as is under the traditional PRO performing rights model. The PMA would like to personally thank Shawn White and everyone at Discovery for this decision. We greatly appreciate this and look forward as a community to working together with Discovery to provide their programming with the best quality music possible.

    If anyone has any questions, please email them to Morgan McKnight, Executive Director of the Production Music Association, who will collate them so we can get responses from Discovery and get back to you. Morgan’s email is

    Thank you very much.


    I agree it is a great victory! I’m surmising that PMA made the most difference by putting some pressure on? Maybe someone has other ideas about this?
    Now if only they could get the Scripps part of the Discovery Network to pay PRO royalties that would be awesome but maybe I’m asking for too much!


    Now if only they could get the Scripps part of the Discovery Network to pay PRO royalties that would be awesome but maybe Iā€™m asking for too much!

    NO! That’s not asking too much. šŸ™‚


    Hello there
    anyone can tell me how looks the situation with HGTV (US) royalties at the moment after the whole action with Discovery, who owns hgtv now ?


    I simply would like to know how it is even legal Paul? Anyone from the PMA want to chime in? Anyone from any PRO reading this want to chime in?

    How can a TV network that broadcasts PRO REGISTERED music to the American Public every day, all day not be obliged to pay the 3 performing rights organizations, who in turn pay us performance royalties?

    Art Munson

    anyone can tell me how looks the situation with HGTV (US) royalties at the moment after the whole action with Discovery, who owns hgtv now ?

    Answered here:

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