my first tracks on itunes & spotify

Home Forums Online Promoting my first tracks on itunes & spotify

  • This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by ENW1.
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    so i just found out one of the libraries i’m with have released albums on i-tunes and spotify with 2 of my tracks on them. this seems really cool to me to see my tracks on a label up on i-tunes but is this a positive or negative thing? anyone any experience of this? the library is a small boutique trailer library.

    if its positive how do you guys go about driving listeners/customers to find your tracks in these stores?


    Danny, It’s pretty hard to make much money on Spotify. I have had 8099 streams on Spotify earning $40.12. iTunes used to be real good but seems to have dried up for me. Probably cause of Apple Music and Spotify. Streaming seems to have won out and it pays little to us. Of course if you have millions of listeners it might add up.


    thanks gigdude. how does getting people to listen work in these online stores such as spotify and itunes? does itunes make sure that the albums reach the right listeners or do you or the label your signed with have to do this promtion yourself?

    i’m not really concerned with the financials at this stage but was more thinking this is a good way to get better reach of my music to more people.


    I’ve had tracks placed by Audiosparx on a couple dozen albums on Amazon, Spotify, iTunes, Napster, etc. The revenue trickles in little by little. I’m seeing streaming income slowly going up, penny by penny… while downloads are now going down. Still can’t quit my “day” job!


    cool daveydad, do you do much promotion yourself of these albums or just leave it to the digital online stores?


    I post on Facebook every now and then but that’s about it. I’ve heard the key to success on Spotify is to get a track on one of their popular playlists with huge a following. How that happens… who knows.


    interesting thanks for that. i’ll send an email to two steps from hell in that case ha ha 😉


    Kind of strange. Out of nowhere these last 3 months or so,I’ve gotten about 7 Harry Fox notices of intent to distribute music of mine via Spotify. Don’t know what sparked it. What I’ve heard is it takes a whole lot of streams for it to even amount to a little bit of money so I’ve just been shoving the notices in the drawer figuring if I see any money great but not holding my breath for sure. Maybe they’ll be a nice surprise one day.


    well for me i see it more of another avenue to get your music out there. not sure how effective it is though. not expecting to get rich from spotify streams.

    NY Composer


    Hate to sound like a pessimist but I have had publishers place tunes on itunes, Amazon, and Google. The sales were so low that it didn’t even warrant a statement.


    Vanity. The role of Spotify is to make sure artists get no money or sales unless they’re signed to a shareholder.


    I’ve been on Spotify since 2012 and now have a dozen albums there. Grand total earnings? A whopping $100!!


    Jesus that’s horrendous. somethings got to me done or else we will be left with just a handful of artist connected to major record labels dominating the market and the charts. oh wait its already happened.

    NY Composer

    You are right about that. Something should be done because many people see the future of TV as an all streaming experience.


    Ditto Pat: I’ve received 4-5 Harry Fox notices for Spotify. They seem to be filled with mistakes. The last one had a song that I didn’t write with a band I never heard of but I’m listed as the copyright owner.

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