New (ish) Member saying Hi

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    Hi everyone

    I’m just coming to the end of a 6 month membership of the forum, so thought I should say hello. I’m a music producer based in the UK. I’ve been writing Production Music for about 16 years and have a catalogue of just over 1000 titles now. I guess I’m one of the lucky few who can call it a living, but it took 10 years to get there, so you have to keep going.

    Anyway, I’ve been taking a great interest in the forum and many of the topics. Some very good content on here. I especially like the PMA thread – very interesting and insightful.

    Thanks and see you around SB

    Art Munson

    Iā€™m just coming to the end of a 6 month membership of the forum

    Hey sugarbuzz. Just to you remind you that 99% of the forum is free. The library listings are subscription based. Please stick around!


    Hi Art thanks for your reply. I’ll be renewing šŸ™‚ I actually find this a valuable resource for checking out new companies and finding out fellow composers experiences. Thanks again SB


    Hello Sugarbuzz.

    Another UK music producer! There aren’t that many of us on here. Interested to know which path you took. I started off putting music in the big US non-exclusives but now all my output goes to UK exclusives which have worked out better for me.

    Also be interested to hear some of your work. Which libraries do you tend to work with?




    Hi TJM thanks for your message. I’ve written for various exclusive libraries over the past 16 years or so. I’ve not done the non-exclusive ‘Royalty Free’ side of things, but I am looking into this format for the future as the landscape is changing I feel …

    I work with various libraries on and off here in the UK and in Germany, France and Belgium as well. (Focus, Stock, RSM, Warner Cavendish, Sonoton, Absolute etc).

    Anyway thanks for replying and see you about on the forum šŸ™‚

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