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  • in reply to: Question about Exclusive Briefs #29585

    Hello EV! I have a question for you. “Are these “Briefs” chewing up a lot of your Composition/Production Time?”‘ The reason that I am asking is because “it really should not, unless you are seeing some really great results!!”

    I cannot state this enough.. Please research, and read all of the reviews here on MLR, and pitch/submit to companies that have a good amount of history, productivity, and good standing with their composers.

    I am AMAZED to see so MANY new libraries that are popping up out of nowhere; and demanding exclusivity of tracks, but have no track record to warrant this.

    Also, when I first started in the business (over 10 years ago) “some” companies would send out a quarterly report of what was being “licensed” and how many times. Not only did it show “activity of your tracks”; but for me it also showed what I needed to write more of..

    in reply to: Some Production Music #29578

    Excellent Work BenG!! “Going For Gold, Tale of Mischief, and Secret Agent Zero are STRONG!!”

    in reply to: Baffles for recording acoustic guitars? #29552

    I agree with using Dynamic Miss. I would suggest a “pair of Shure Beta 58’s”. It seems to really work well for “hard to capture Git’s” Also, if you’re needing something with a little less bottom/roundness I suggest Beta 57’s.

    in reply to: 25% Deals #29523

    Unfortunately, it’s getting even worse than that. I actually saw a contract recently where the “Library” was asking for 50% of the writers share, and no publishing at all..

    I guess the whole thing is “how far are writers willing to go to get a placement?” I personally, will not take any of these deals, and its a “principle over money issue for me”.

    To anyone that is just getting into the business, I would say.. If you think just getting in the door with lousy contracts at first; and hoping to change things once you are in. YOU are not only mistaken; YOU are creating a bigger hole for yourself than you know!

    To those that have contracts already in place, and have been with libraries for years; this will not affect you. But to the new composers that are looking to make a living in “Production Music”; by settling for these terms, and de-valuing “your product”. The large majority of you will not make even a sub-standard living..

    in reply to: Companies that do Edits #29518

    Thanks Brother Jules. I think I found a company, and are going to try them out..

    Brother Alan, “You are One Bad Mother-Nip-Tucker!” Thanks, I really needed the laugh!!

    in reply to: Music Libraries that focus on House/EDM #29517

    Brother Jules, mind if I give you some “Honest Feed?”

    1) There is a HUGE difference in the tracks that were chosen, versus the track Eclipse!!

    2) Your Mood in “Progressive House” with those minor chords that should have been played up more; could quite possibly separate you, and become part of your signature!!””

    3) Why knowing minor phrasings like that would you “bring yet more EDM Fish to a OVERSATURATED Fish Market??” (That goes for Trap, and Hip Hop Producers as well!!)

    4) Take this opportunity, and develop your minor phrasings into “something totally else”

    **FOOTNOTE** If you really are stuck on the “Eclipse Track” try the drums in 1/2 time, and see what it does..

    Hopefully, you take this as being constructive, and not a diss. “You have a Hidden Jewel, but once again people are too concerned about playing the middle; rather than separating yourselves from a VERY mediocre pack”…

    in reply to: Computer Update #29507

    You can revert back to your old version if you either partition (which I instead loaded mine onto a thumb-drive for less confusion)
    Iam not the best at the super-technical, and I opt for safe rather than having something go wrong with multiple OS systems floating around in my computer..

    in reply to: A cautionary tale for newbies #29505

    Hi there Art. I wonder if it’s something I’m doing in punctuation.. I posted and it went to “post purgatory?”

    in reply to: Computer Update #29504

    Also. While you’re doing “anything that is a LONG process”. Go to your Mac preferencesand make sure the computer does NOT go to sleep, turn off the screens, or have any way of going “idle”.
    THAT’S how my Damn-near Catastrophe happened!!

    in reply to: Computer Update #29503

    I physically drag EVERYTHING!!

    in reply to: SESAC #29500

    SESAC does take longer..

    I am though seeing better payouts, and better representation!!

    SESAC, has been my PRO since 2002. PM Me if you have any questions..

    in reply to: Computer Update #29499

    Take my advice after a MAJOR scare last year. Grab an “External Drive” and Dump everything to that as well!!

    Clouds, nor Time Machine are not a physical copy.. Hard Drives are!!

    in reply to: ASCAP and their inadequate survey system #29492

    Just a quick bit on SESAC

    I opted for monthly payments..

    As well, I can reach “My Rep anytime” and can retrieve any data/sheets/information I need..

    As well, Universal/UPPM, Olé Music, and several others are now using SESAC as their primary PRO..

    Not making a pitch for them. Just stating facts..

    in reply to: ASCAP and their inadequate survey system #29483

    Being as transparent as possible. David, I actually think you might be wise to search for “greener pastures”. I hear a LOT from fellow composer friends that they are having a MUCH better life after ASCAP. As well, ASCAP really IS behind the times, and seems to work better from a PRO stand-point when it comes to “records”.

    1) Maybe you might want to think about switching. Will take a couple of years to really see it going, But, there are better PRO’s for production music.
    2) Perhaps, start checking into “admin deals”..

    in reply to: Any feedback welcome! #29480

    Hello Max. You are actually ready to be in a “better Boutique Library!!”

    I have a couple of ideas for you, if you would like them..

    As well, I have stated this many times, and seems to be “My Personal Mantra”. It’s not how many, it’s the quality!!

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