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  • in reply to: Submitting WFH Cues after being accepted by a library #16422

    When I signed with 2 or 3 libraries they asked for everything I had. Then they went through them and decided what to keep. I’m also now doing some custom composing by their request. Wish I got paid up front for this but am hoping it leads to use/income. Keep me fresh and creative too!

    in reply to: Reality TV show payout? #16380

    Wow, great thread ya’ll!! Good to know I don’t swim these waters alone! I’ve only been seriously doing this for income for a year, learning as I go. I actually have two libraries asking me to compose certain cues and styles for them. Fun, time-consuming and hopefully leads to income!

    My income from RF sites where I’ve had tracks for the past year is helpful but not enormous. But I will take it from wherever it comes, for sure. Fortunately, I have income from a side business and other sources; doubtful music will ever be my main income but I can dream. ๐Ÿ™‚ I try to compose at least one track a week, sometimes more; be it a 30 second sting out cue or an elaborate Disney type piece.

    in reply to: Reality TV show payout? #16372

    Yeah, certainly not complaining… but I at least thought the payout would be dollars and not cents. Seems like I can make more on cheap RF sites than doing reality TV. ๐Ÿ™‚ And… still waiting to see how/if that viral video pays off! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Reality TV show payout? #16368

    Wow, that’s depressing…

    in reply to: Reality TV show payout? #16357

    A new cup holder would be nice!! ๐Ÿ™‚ In case you’re curious, here’s the clip starting right where my piece starts as they open the garage. Maybe the one-two punch at the end will let me buy seat covers for my Ferrari? ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Exclusive vs Non-exclusive (benefits) #16344

    Chuck, that’s basically what I have. Most of my tracks are in 5-6 non-exclusive libraries and on a half dozen RF sites. Once I start making some income from these I may quit the RF scene (doesn’t pay enough IMHO). For some reason, I’ve never liked exclusive deals but decided to test it out and put 18 tracks exclusively with a library in the Netherlands who seem to be busy promoting their composers. We’ll see how my investments do!

    in reply to: Reality TV show payout? #16343

    ๐Ÿ™ Well, guess I’ll keep my ’97 Olds! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    in reply to: Infomercial payouts? #16333

    Please let us know!!! I’ve asked this question over and over with various placements I’ve had. Apparently there is no rhyme of reason to how they calculate this sort of stuff. Tunesat shows I’m getting a track played each Monday on a religious TV show. Sometimes it shows one minute, but sometimes they play 3 minutes of it? Will I soon be wealthy?? lol ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Publisher account needed? #16322

    Hmm, ok. I’m sole proprietor. I’ve been registering my more recent pieces as 200% writer and forgetting the publisher thing. I mostly do non-exclusive and some RF but do have about 18 tracks exclusively with one library. Some of the tracks that are with NE libraries have been retitled and then they become the publisher. Thanks for the input!

    in reply to: Tunesat 50 Free cue monitoring #16042

    Same here. I joined the free account about a month and ago and have had detections each week on a piece used in a religious TV show. My question is why is fee so steep to post more than 50 tracks!?

    in reply to: Music Gateway? #16029

    Perhaps… but I think I’ll get my $7 back pretty easily…

    in reply to: Music Gateway? #16025

    Oh, the only negative for this deal was a somewhat low 33% commission… but it’s non-exclusive so I can keep pitching to others.

    in reply to: Music Gateway? #16024

    Well, on a whim, I submitted to a project of a studio/library looking for drameday/Pixar/Disney composers. Although I really don’t compose in that genre I guess they liked what they heard from my tracks and that day was asked me to join. Not only am I now composing dramedy/Disney pieces… but they also took my entire catalog of 255 songs and to use for clients! This cost me a whopping $7. Pretty good return if you ask me!

    in reply to: YouTube views and $$$ #15980

    no… video is footage of dolphins and whales using a drone, taken by head of a whale watching company.

    in reply to: YouTube views and $$$ #15972

    If and when I find out my earnings I will report back. Thanks.

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